select r.request_id,
p.user_concurrent_program_name || case
when p.user_concurrent_program_name = 'Report Set' then
(select ' - ' || s.user_request_set_name
from fnd_request_sets_tl s
where s.application_id = r.argument1
and s.request_set_id = r.argument2
and language = 'US')
when p.user_concurrent_program_name = 'Check Periodic Alert' then
(select ' - ' || a.alert_name
from alr_alerts a
where a.application_id = r.argument1
and a.alert_id = r.argument2
and language = 'US')
end concurrent_program_name,
when p.user_concurrent_program_name != 'Report Set' and
p.user_concurrent_program_name != 'Check Periodic Alert' then
end argument_text,
r.requested_start_date next_run,
r.hold_flag on_hold,
'On Specific Days',
c.class_type) schedule_type,
when c.class_type = 'P' then
'Repeat every ' ||
substr(c.class_info, 1, instr(c.class_info, ':') - 1) ||
decode(substr(c.class_info, instr(c.class_info, ':', 1, 1) + 1, 1),
' minutes',
' months',
' hours',
' days') ||
decode(substr(c.class_info, instr(c.class_info, ':', 1, 2) + 1, 1),
' from the start of the prior run',
' from the completion of the prior run')
when c.class_type = 'S' then
nvl2(dates.dates, 'Dates: ' || dates.dates || '. ', null) ||
decode(substr(c.class_info, 32, 1), '1', 'Last day of month ') ||
decode(sign(to_number(substr(c.class_info, 33))),
'Days of week: ' ||
decode(substr(c.class_info, 33, 1), '1', 'Su ') ||
decode(substr(c.class_info, 34, 1), '1', 'Mo ') ||
decode(substr(c.class_info, 35, 1), '1', 'Tu ') ||
decode(substr(c.class_info, 36, 1), '1', 'We ') ||
decode(substr(c.class_info, 37, 1), '1', 'Th ') ||
decode(substr(c.class_info, 38, 1), '1', 'Fr ') ||
decode(substr(c.class_info, 39, 1), '1', 'Sa '))
end schedule,
c.date1 start_date,
c.date2 end_date,
from fnd_concurrent_requests r,
fnd_conc_release_classes c,
fnd_concurrent_programs_tl p,
(SELECT release_class_id,
substr(max(SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH(s, ' ')), 2) dates
FROM (select release_class_id,
rank() over(partition by release_class_id order by s) a,
from (select c.class_info,
decode(substr(c.class_info, l, 1),
to_char(l)) s
from (select level l from dual connect by level <= 31),
fnd_conc_release_classes c
where c.class_type = 'S')
where s is not null)
(a || release_class_id) = (a - 1) || release_class_id
group by release_class_id) dates
where r.phase_code = 'P'
and c.application_id = r.release_class_app_id
and c.release_class_id = r.release_class_id
and nvl(c.date2, sysdate + 1) > sysdate
and c.class_type is not null
and p.concurrent_program_id = r.concurrent_program_id
and p.application_id = r.program_application_id
and p.language = 'US'
and dates.release_class_id(+) = r.release_class_id
and to_char(R.requested_start_date,'DD-MON-YYYY') between '&begin_date' and '&end_date'
order by on_hold, next_run;
Saturday, April 24, 2021
Query to check concurrent program schedules ,request set schedules oracle apps r12
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