E-Business Tax Notes -- R12
These are my personal notes which is a mix of experience and excepts from Metalink.
This note is focused on Oracle functionality and not tax law.
These notes applies mainly to R12.1.x.
Beware these notes may be out of date so please check with http://support.oracle.com for changes.
There are many notes on just one page so be sure to use {ctrl-f} to search.
General Notes
Different Input and Output Recoverable Accounts
How to set up different Input And Output recoverable tax accounts in Ebtax [ID 752248.1]Applies to
Oracle E-Business Tax – Version: 12.0.5
Information in this document applies to any platform.
In Ebtax it is only possible to configure a single tax recoverable account per rate. Is there
anyway to configure a different Input Tax recoverable account for Payables tax lines and an
Output Tax recoverable for Receivables?
User wants to account the tax liability ( For AR ) and tax recoverability ( in AP) in different
code combinations. Normally both these values are taken from Recoverability/Liability Account
defined at Tax Rate level.
However if user specifies a different code combination at the Tax Recoverability Account in the
associated recovery rate , then recovery in AR would get accounted in a that account. Tax
liability in AP would continue to get accounted in tax rate liability account.
Ship From/To Determination
Use of Bill From/To and Ship From/To varies by module.Payables/Purchasing:
- Legal Establishment: Ship/Bill To
- Supplier: Ship/Bill From
- Bill From: Invoice Header
- Ship From: Invoice Header
- Bill To: Invoice Header
- Ship To: Invoice Line
- Legal Establishment: Ship/Bill From
- Warehouse: Ship From
- Customer: Ship/Bill To
- Salesrep: Point of Origin (POO)
- Operating Unit: Point of Acceptance (POA)
Payables: Purchasing Transaction
Receivables: Sales Transaction
Tax Recoverable/Liability Accounts
Set tax level accounts to default these onto tax rate level accounts saving a lot of setup.Tax -> Tax Rate
Receivables: Tax Rate Recoverable/Liability Account
Payables: Tax Rate Recoverable/Liability Account and Tax Recovery Rate Recoverable/Liability Account
VAT Classification Defaults
Application Tax Options – Tax Hierarchy (note from E-Business Tax Purchasing Whitepaper [464243.1])Prior to E-Business tax, a tax hierarchy would be defined either in payable options or in purchasing options, which would determine the source and the order of defaulting on purchase orders.
The tax hierarchy is now available in E-Business tax through ‘Application Tax Options’ available by each operating unit for Purchasing application.
This is similar to defining the tax hierarchy in ‘Purchasing Options’ prior to release 12.
The tax will be defaulted based on the defaulting order and the source option specified. Application Tax Options is available only for backward compatibility of the former Tax Defaulting Hierarchy.
If you are using complex tax rules you may choose to disable the application tax options. This is a one-time option. Once the application tax option has been disabled, it would not possible to re-enable this option again for that operating unit.
VAT Classification is either entered directly on the transaction or defaulted from via the Application Tax Options:
- Payables Financial Options
- Item
- Supplier
- Supplier Site
- Ship to Location
- Payables Financial Options
- Supplier
- Supplier Site
- Invoice Header
- Natural Account
- Reference Document
- Expense Report Template
- Product (=item or memo line)
- Revenue Account
- Customer Site
- Receivables System Options
- Project
- Customer Site
- Receivables System Options
- Expenditure Type/Event Type/Retention
- Client Extension
Application Tax Options cannot be reactivated
If the Application Tax Options has been deactivated it cannot be re-activated from the forms.In order to re-activate run the following script:
UPDATE zx_product_options_all
WHERE application_id = ?
AND org_id = ?
Tax Rule Naming
When building tax rules:- Rule Code: Must be unique within one combination of "Configuration Owner"+"Tax Regime Code"+"Tax" across all rule types.
Extra care must be taken when using a Global Configuration Owner.
So must also be distinct per rule type and per event class code. Also add tax determination set to name.
Naming: - Naming: {rule type code}_{tax determination set}_{event class code}
If not transaction flow specific: {rule type code}_{tax determination set}
If with Global Configuration Owner: {tax regime code}_{rule type code}_{tax determination set}_{event class code} - Example1: APP_VAT_TAX_RULES_POT
- Rule Type Codes:
- Direct Tax Rate Determination: DTR
- Determine Place of Supply: POS
- Determine Tax Applicability: APP
- Determine Tax Registration: REG
- Determine Tax Status: STA
- Determine Tax Rate: RAT
- Determine Taxable Basis: BAS
- Calculate Tax Amounts: AMT
- Determine Recovery Rate: REC
- Event Class Codes (from Event Class Category = Tax Event Class):
- Booking: BOT
- Expense Report: EXT
- Intercompany Transaction: ICT
- Purchase Prepayment Transaction: PPT
- Purchase Transaction: POT
- Sales Transaction: OMT
- Sales Transaction Adjustment: SAT
- Determining Factor Set Code: The fewer DFS – the simpler rule creation as determination sets can be grouped
- Tax Determination Set: Same rule set can be used in multiple tax rules as long as the tax rule code is unique
Tax Condition Set Naming
Tax condition sets (TDS) should normally be used only within one tax regime.In case of one OU with multiple tax regimes be sure to prefix with tax regime code.
Example: DK_VAT_EU_G for Danish VAT goods transaction inside EU
The TDS name should be oriented toward purpose and content of the DTS.
Include transaction direction to avoid PO and OM rule clashes for same area.
Direction will also be given by event class in the tax rule.
HOWEVER if tax conditions are the same for two sets you may get:
The same tax conditions already exist in another tax condition setSo if this is the same you may want to denormalize the naming to like: DK_VAT_BILL_TO
If condition is bill_to = DK only.
Things to include in name are:
- Tax Regime Code: NO_SK_VAT
- Geography: Domestic = DO, European Union = EU, Outside EU = EX
- Product Type: GOODS/SERVICES = G/S when mixed then assume G
Basic Default Rules
- Payables
- Purchasing
- Receivables
- Trade Management
- Cost Management
- Lease and Finance Management
So outgoing VAT tax rules should be based on:
- Event Class Category = Tax Event Class
- Event Class = Sales Transaction
Tax Rules Not Affecting Transactions
When altering tax rules you must re-select your responsibility for the tax rules changes to take effect as they seems to be cached for performance reasons.Tax Classification Code = Tax Rate Code
This code is available on:- Supplier Site
- Customer Site
- AP Invoice Line
- AR Invoice Line
Place of Supply
Place of supply drives the use of Tax Jurisdiction.So if you have setup tax rules for a country A then you must ensure the POS rule also returns country A based on "Bill To" or "Bill From" otherwise your tax rules will render "Not Applicable" which is what you want in some cases though.
Self-Assessed Flag Set
First we need to understand the Self Assessed tax functionality. When a buyer procures goods from an unregistered seller, the buyer is liable to calculate and pay the tax on that invoice. The self-assessed tax amount is not even displayed on the invoice total and can be viewed only at the tax details window. You can obviously uncheck the flag for one item line making it a regular tax.In a real life scenario I doubt if there can be a case where from a same supplier and for a same invoice some lines can be self-assessed and some lines to have normal tax.
As per the current functionality it is not possible to unchecked the SA flag for any particular line is a transaction.
Functionally we believe that self-assessment is driven by Supplier registration status and not item.
This functionality is not currently supported. Any change in the existing code has to be logged as an ER.
How Tax Determining Factors Work with Tax Rules in R12 E-Business Tax [ID 1108463.1]
Determining Factor Class | Class Qualifier | Determining Factor Names | Values | Setup and Troubleshooting Note |
Accounting | Accounting segments of the selected ledger | Line Account | Account Combination of the Class qualifier | Note 1109436.1, How To Setup and Troubleshoot a Tax Rule using Accounting Segments in R12 E-Business Tax (EBTax) |
Document | Document Fiscal Classification Level | Document Subtype | Document fiscal classification codes of the class qualifier level; or all document fiscal classification codes if there is no class qualifier. | |
Geography | Bill From Bill To Point of Acceptance(AR transactions) Point of Origin (AR transactions) Ship From Ship To | TCA geography types | TCA geography names of the geography type belonging to the location identified by the class qualifier | Note 1110427.1, How To Setup and Troubleshoot a Tax Rule Based Upon Geography Types such as Bill To and Ship To in R12 E-Business Tax (EBTax) |
Legal Party Fiscal Classification | First Party | Legal Activity Codes for Chile Colombia; Peru United Kingdom Venezuela | Legal classification codes of the legal classification activity. | Note 1109325.1, How To Setup and Troubleshoot a Tax Rule using Legal Classifications (Activity) Codes in R12 E-Business Tax (EBTax) |
Party Fiscal Classification | Bill From Party Bill To Party Point of Acceptance Party (AR transactions) Point of Origin Party (AR transactions) Ship From Party Ship To Party | Party fiscal classification types | Fiscal classification codes of the party fiscal classification type assigned to the party identified by the class qualifier. | Note 729486.1 How to Setup and Troubleshoot a Party Fiscal Classification Tax Rule in R12 E-Business Tax (EBTax) |
Product – Inventory Linked | N/A | Oracle Inventory-based product fiscal classification types | Fiscal classification codes of the applicable product fiscal classification type | Note 1107666.1 How to Setup and Troubleshoot A Product Fiscal Classification Tax Rule in R12 E-Business Tax |
Product – Non-Inventory Linked | Product fiscal classification level (Levels 1-5) | Product Category product fiscal classification types | Product fiscal classification codes of the class qualifier level; or all product fiscal classification codes if there is no class qualifier. | NOTE 1108547.1 How to Setup and Troubleshoot a Product Fiscal Classification (Non-Inventory Based) Tax Rule in R12 E-Business Tax (EBTax) |
Registration | Bill From Party Bill To Party Ship From Party Ship To Party | Registration Status | Status of Agent (withholding agent), Registered, or Not Registered (seeded values only) for the party identified by the class qualifier. You can use lookup codes to add registration statuses. | Note 1112412.1 How To Setup and Troubleshoot a Tax Rule using Tax Registration Status in R12 E-Business Tax (EBTax) |
Transaction Fiscal Classification | N/A | Transaction fiscal classification types | Codes used to assign attributes across the transaction business category hierarchy described in the line below. | Note 1114923.1 How To Setup and Troubleshoot a Tax Rule using Transaction Business Categories and Transaction Fiscal Classifications in R12 E-Business Tax (EBTax) |
Transaction Generic Classification | Classification Level (Levels 1-5) | Transaction Business Category (seeded value only) with option to add additional levels to hierarchy | Transaction business category fiscal classification codes of the class qualifier level; or all fiscal classification codes if there is no class qualifier. | Note 1114923.1 How To Setup and Troubleshoot a Tax Rule using Transaction Business Categories and Transaction Fiscal Classifications in R12 E-Business Tax (EBTax) |
Transaction Input Factor | N/A | Line Class Product Type Intended Use Tax Classification Code User Defined Fiscal Classification | LC = Transaction event classes and activities. PT = Goods or Services (seeded values only). IU = Product Intended Use fiscal classification codes TCC = Tax classification codes. UDFC = User Defined fiscal classification codes. | LC = WIP PT = WIP IU = WIP TCC = Note 801535.1 How To Setup and Troubleshoot a Tax Rule using Tax Classification Codes in R12 E-Business Tax UDFC = WIP |
User Defined Geography (Tax Zone) | Bill From Bill To Point of Acceptance Point of Origin Ship From Ship To | Tax Zone Types | Tax zones of the tax zone type belonging to the location identified by the class qualifier. | Note 1124208.1 How To Setup and Troubleshoot Tax Zones and User Defined Geography Tax Rules in R12 E-Business Tax (EBTax) |
How does the tax registration number validation work? [ID 761250.1]
Applies to:
Oracle E-Business Tax – Version: 12.0 and later [Release: 12.0 and later ]Information in this document applies to any platform.
– Problem Statement:In release 12 when adding a tax registration number to a party tax profile, the system throws an error stating that the number is not valid but does not explain why. How can I determine the validation failure reason?
This problem only occurs for the 26 countries listed below which have validation defined.EU Countries:
- AT – Austria
- BE – Belgium
- CV – Cyprus
- DK – Denmark
- EE – Estonia
- FI – Finland
- FR – France
- DE – Germany
- GR – Greece
- HU – Hungary
- IE – Ireland
- IT – Italy
- LT – Lithuania
- LU – Luxembourg
- LV – Latvia
- MT – Malta
- NL – Netherlands
- PL – Poland
- PT – Portugal
- SK – Slovakia
- SI – Slovenia
- ES – Spain
- SE – Sweden
- GB – United Kingdom
- AR – Argentina
- BR – Brazil
- CL – Chile
- CO – Colombia
- RU – Russia
- CH – Switzerland
- TW – Taiwan
– To implement the solution, please execute the following steps::At this time, validation is not documented in any reference document. Documentation Bug 7708946 has been logged to request that this information be documented in the next release of Oracle documentation.
If you believe that you have a valid registration number that is being rejected, first apply the latest version of the file zxctaxregnb.pls from step 3 in note 875894.1 Using and Troubleshooting Tax Registration Number Issues with R12 E-Business Tax.
Note 564428.1 also has been written to show an example of the validation used in the UK
Note: Tax registration number validation is based upon the country associated with the tax regime (not the customer address).
Module Specific Notes
NoneOrder Management
Projects does not support:- Product Type
- Transaction Business Category
General Ledger
NoneTrade Management
NoneCost Management
NoneLease and Finance Management
NoneBugs and Features
Patch 9794557: Support of NULL and NOT NULL Operators in Condition Sets
This patch is included in R12.2.x.Patch Description
1. Functional Description
Old Behavior
Need to support the Null Not Null Operator in Condition Sets.
New Behavior
Added validations to support Null and Not Null Operator in Conditions Sets.
2. Pre-requisite or Co-requisite which is not included with this patch:
Co-requisite patch: 10018848:R12.ZX.B
3. Patch Applicable for versions/releases:
Oracle Applications Release 12.1.1
4. Target Mini-pack/Family Pack/Release
Oracle Applications Release 12.1.4
Tax Codes not Enabled for Internet Expenses OIE [ID 1312692.1]
The flag: Enable for Internet Expenses Is only visible during tax rate creation.Add tax codes after tax rate creation by:
Go to Tax Managers Responsibility->Advance Setup Options->Tax look up codes
Query by entering code: ZX_WEB_EXP_TAX_CLASSIFICATIONS
How to Setup and Troubleshoot Offset Taxes in R12 E-Business Tax (EBTax) [ID 1368206.1]
An offset tax calculates and records third party Payables tax liabilities for reverse charges, self-assessments, and, in the United States, Consumer’s Use tax. An offset tax record is a matching, duplicate record with negative amounts that reduces or completely offsets the tax liability recorded in the tax transaction. Use offset taxes when the tax requirement includes creating offset general ledger postings.You cannot update the recovery rate on an offset tax line. The recovery rate is always 100% in order to create credit entries that match the original tax amounts. When you create an offset tax, you enter a primary recovery type with a recoverable rate of 100% and a 100% recovery rate.
In some Jurisdictions, Offset is also called as Reverse Charge or Self Assessed Tax.

Transaction Business Category does not default in as expected [ID 1290195.1]
Applies to:
Oracle E-Business Tax – Version: 12.1.2 and later [Release: 12.1 and later ]Information in this document applies to any platform.
Form:ARXTWMAI.FMB – Transactions
Transaction Business Category incorrectly defaults for Receivable and Payable Invoices in the transaction workbench.Cause
Apply patch 10399114:R12.ZX.B and Transaction Business Category will now default correctly in asSALES_TRANSACTION for Receivable Invoice
INTERCOMPANY_TRANSACTION for Intercompany Transactions
File Version
After applying the patch please check the version of the following files:(Versions must not be lower than the versions mentioned below)
$ZX_TOP/patch/115/sql/zxpservb.pls 120.32.12010000.12
Ebus Tax: Sales Order Does Not Reflect The Tax As Per The Tax Rule [ID 1381151.1]
Applies to:
Oracle E-Business Tax – Version: 12.1.3 and later [Release: 12.1 and later ]Oracle Order Management – Version: 12.1.1 to 12.1.3 [Release: 12.1 to 12.1]
Information in this document applies to any platform.
On : 12.1.3 version, E-Bus Tax Integration for OM
Even after applying these patches:
Patch 12612699
Patch 9544144
Patch 8936101
Patch 11686403
Patch 10179680
Tax calculated on sales order is not as per the Tax Rule.
E: unspported category: p_fsc_cat_rec.classification_category= TRX_GENERIC_CLASSIFICATION get_prod_trx_cate_value(-)
OM development provided the cause in OM forum:
"I understand that you have defined tax rules setup based on Transaction Business Category.
OM does not support tax rules based on additional tax attributes.
Refer to Enhancement Rrequest Bug 9036865."
Monitor ER Bug 9036865 – Allow customers to enter tax determining factors on sales orders and quotes – for this functionality in a future release.
R12:Financial Tax Register Report Ended With No Data Found [ID 1329695.1]
Applies to:
Oracle Payables – Version: 12.1.3 and later [Release: 12.1 and later ]Information in this document applies to any platform.
On : R12 version, EB TaxACTUAL BEHAVIOR
Financial Tax register Report ended with No data found.
Expected report to show the records.
The issue can be reproduced at will with the following steps:
1. Tax Manager Super User
2. Submit the Request
3. Financial Tax register report.
The issue has the following business impact:
Due to this issue, users cannot check the data in the report.
The data type of trx_line_id in zx transaction table is NUMBER.
The data type in zx_rep_trx_detail_t was NUMBER(15)
So, during data insertion into zx_rep_trx_detail_t table, the value of trx_line_id was getting rounded. e.g. trx_line_id in zx_rec_nrec_dist was 23.86 in zx_rep_trx_detail_t table it is stored as 24.
So the cursor trx_dist_ccid was failing.
1) Please download and review the readme for Patch 10362073 .Please log a SR with Oracle Support if a password is required to download the patch.
2) Please apply 10362073 along with its pre-requisites in a test environment.
3) Check the file versions , they have to be the same as given below.
File version:
For R12.0.X
$ZX_TOP/patch/115/xdf/zx_rep_trx_detail_t.xdf 120.12.12000000.5
For R12.1.X
$ZX_TOP/patch/115/xdf/zx_rep_trx_detail_t.xdf 120.12.12010000.4
4) Please retest the issue.
5) If the issue is resolved, please migrate the solution, as appropriate, to other environments
Tax for intra EU vat is not working [ID 1291425.1]
Applies to:
Oracle Receivables – Version: 12.1.1 and later [Release: 12.0 and later ]Information in this document applies to any platform.
Why isn’t tax for Intra EU VAT not working?Solution
As you can see from tax debug logfile below bill from registration status is showing as not registered, whereas, the tax rule condition is looking for status of registered in order to evaluate to true.:ZX_TDS_RULE_BASE_DETM_PVT: evaluate_alphanum_condition(+)
p_Operator_Code: =, p_condition_value:REGISTERED, p_trx_value: NOT REGISTERED, p_value_low: Registered, p_value_high: , p_det_factor_templ_code: REGISTRATION, p_chart_of_accounts_id: 50389
ZX_TDS_RULE_BASE_DETM_PVT: evaluate_condition(-)
condition is false
To correct this, navigate via Legal Entity Manager -> query back legal entity manager -> click on legal establishment -> click on Registration tab -> click on tax registration -> create tax registration make sure to input tax registration status of registered. After doing this, create new transaction to re-test.
Include Accounting Segments Parameter On Financial Tax Register Returns No Data Found [ID 1292273.1]
Applies toOracle Payables – Version: 12.1.3 and later [Release: 12.1 and later ]
Information in this document applies to any platform.
=== ODM Issue Clarification ===Run the Financial Register with parameter ‘Include Accounting Segments’ = No, and data returned.
If you run the Financial Register with parameter ‘Include Accounting Segments’ = Yes, no data found.
=== ODM Solution / Action Plan ===On TEST instance apply patch 10303566:R12.ZX.B
If the patch is password protected, log SR with Oracle Support.
This patch will deliver:
zxricoreplugpvtb.pls 120.12.12010000.44
zxriextractwpkgb.pls 120.43.12010000.18
After patch application, verify you have the new versions, than re-test your issue.
If successful, migrate solution to other instances.
Customer Form, Site Issue: Tax Profile Button is Missing in the Site Details Page When Viewed Via a Custom Responsibility [ID 864403.1]
Applies toOracle Receivables – Version 12.0.6 and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.
Information in this document applies to any platform.
When maintaining Site Details using the Seeded Receivables Manager Responsibility, you can see the Tax Profile Button that allows you to maintain the Tax information. However, when you are using a Custom Receivables Responsibility, you do not see the Tax Profile Button.
What are the steps required to add this button?
To enable the Tax Profile Button for your Customer Receivables responsibility, do the following:
Responsibliity: System Administrator
Navigation: Security > Responsibility > Define
Query for your Custom Responsibility
Check that in the Menu Exclusions section, you do not have an entry for Name = Customer Overview: Tax Profile (FS)
Take note of the value in Menu, for example: AR_NAVIGATE_GUI, you need if for the next step
The following will traverse through the Sub-menus
Navigation: Application > Menu
Query for the Menu from previous step
Review the SubMenus listed, there should be one with Prompt = Customer, take note of the Submenu value, for example: AR_CUSTOMERS_GUI
Run another Query for the menu from previous step
Review the SubMenus listed, there should be one with Submenu = Customers Function Security Menu
Run another Query for User Menu Name = Customers Function Security Menu
In this list check that the Function = Customer Overview: Tax Profile exists
The menu structure above needs to be in place for the Menu your Custom Responsibility is using.
Also note that you can also maintain the Tax Registration Number using
Responsibility: Tax Manager
Navigation: Parties > Party Tax Profile
Query your customer and maintain the tax information.
Tax Info AR Invoice Line Product Type Defaults To Goods When It Item Flag Inventory Item=No [ID 1231873.1]
Tax Info AR Invoice Line Product Type Defaults To Goods When It Item Flag Inventory Item=No [ID 1231873.1]Applies to:
Oracle Receivables – Version: 12.1.3 and later [Release: 12.1 and later ]
Information in this document applies to any platform.
How is the product type of an inventory item defaulted to "Service" in an AR invoice?
Following is the logic of defaulting Product Type :-
Else ‘GOODS’.
You can use the same determining factor class and class qualifier as often as necessary
This is not always a correct error. This can also occur when you have been searching for a condition set first.The error can be avoided by entering the form without a prior search and then immediately click create.
Rules with null evaluators do not work if bill-to is used multiple times [ID 1184613.1]
The note description is wrong as this is a bug that hits many condition detail combinations as long as you are using the same tax condition set.R12.ZX.A and R12.ZX.B: Patch 10018848
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