Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Query to find DFF R12

Query to find DFF

Let's say, we need to find Descriptive Flexfield (DFF) called, "Further Job Information". In the following example, I am trying to get all the information for "US" context code.

The following query will display the DFF related information. You can try changing "fdfv.title" value too see different DFF.
-- Query to find DFF information
       fdf.title                             "DFF Title",
       fdf.application_table_name            "Application Table",
       fdf.context_column_name               "Context Column Name",
       fdfcu.descriptive_flex_context_code   "DFF Context Code",
       fdfcu.column_seq_num                  "Sequence",
       fdfcu.end_user_column_name            "Segment Name",
       fdfcu.application_column_name         "Column Name",
       ffv.flex_value_set_name               "Value Set Name"
       fnd_descr_flex_col_usage_vl   fdfcu,
       fnd_descriptive_flexs_vl      fdf,
       fnd_flex_value_sets           ffv
       1 = 1
   AND fdf.title = 'Further Job Information'        -- <change it>
   AND fdfcu.descriptive_flex_context_code = 'US'   -- <change it>
   AND fdfcu.enabled_flag = 'Y'
   AND fdfcu.flex_value_set_id = ffv.flex_value_set_id
   AND fdfcu.descriptive_flexfield_name = fdf.descriptive_flexfield_name
   AND fdfcu.application_id = fdf.application_id

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