Monday, January 30, 2017

Oracle Developer 10g: frm-18103:fail to initialize the development Environment

Installed Oracle Developer 10g on windows machine (win 7), all the installation was successful. Now when I click on any Developer tools its not opening
   1. Oracle forms fails with error and doesn’t start
        "frm-18103:fail to initialize the development Environment"
  2. Oracle reports fails to start

Oracle Developer 10g though installed successfully it messed up with Oracle Home setting on your machine. The path in ORACLE_HOME environment variable is not correct and its causing all the Developer tools to fail from starting.

You need to correct the ORACLE_HOME environment variable
 1. Navigate to Computer>Properties>Advanced System settings> go to Advanced Tab>Environment Variables
2.  Check the path in ORACLE_HOME User variables, if no ORACLE_HOME variable creates one.
     The path should look like this

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