Saturday, January 28, 2017

Oracle Apps XML Interface: Design

Oracle Apps 
XSD Registration Process:
XSD is schema definition file and its needs to be registered in Oracle database. This is one time process and will be required to be re-executed only if the XSD is modified. Following are the steps for XSD Registration

1.    XSD file is available in the UNIX directory. This file is read using UTL_FILE and inserted into the table as LOB object using DBMS_LOB package.

  ---Insert a Empty CLOB record with XSD details
  INSERT INTO testxml_sources
      (  source_id
    VALUES (l_source_id
          --Return the LOB locator
          xml_schema INTO l_xml_schema_definition;
    ---Create a BFILE Pointer for the XSD file residing in <UNIX DIR>
    l_src_file := BFILENAME(<UNIX DIR>, <XSD_FILE_NAME>);

    --Open the file
     -- Read the file into the l_xml_schema_definition from l_src_file
    DBMS_LOB.LOADFROMFILE (  dest_lob => l_xml_schema_definition
                                               , src_lob  => l_src_file
                                                , amount   => DBMS_LOB.LOBMAXSIZE

    DBMS_LOB.CLOSE (l_src_file );

2.    If a new XSD File comes in because of any changes in XSD definition, the record for the old XSD in the table is end dated and a new record is inserted into the table with Latest XSD file. This makes sure that Old XSD records retrieval is possible from database for any purpose.

      UPDATE testxml_sources
      SET    end_date        = TRUNC(SYSDATE)
      WHERE  source_name     = p_source_name
      AND    xml_schema_name = p_schema_url
      AND    end_date        IS NULL
      AND    SYSDATE         BETWEEN start_date
       AND     NVL(end_date,SYSDATE+1);

3.    Now the XSD in database is registered. Incase any Old XSD schema definition is present its deleted and new XSD is registered. DBMS_XMLSCHEMA function used for registration creates a XSD record in standard table

    --Get the XSD from Database
    SELECT xml_schema
    INTO    l_schema
    FROM   testxml_sources
    WHERE source_name = p_source_name
    AND  SYSDATE      BETWEEN start_date AND NVL(end_date,SYSDATE+1);

    --Delete Old definition
    --Register New Definition
    DBMS_XMLSCHEMA.REGISTERSCHEMA(schemaURL =>l_schema_name 
                                                        ,schemaDoc  => l_schema);

XML Data file Processing:
XML file holds the data that is to be loaded and validated. XML file contains the name of XSD that will be by default used for validation of the XML file. However in the current process explained here we have forced the XSD to be used for XSD validation. This process is three stages

1. Importing the File in Database:
    XML Data file resides in the UNIX BOX in predefined path. This file is first imported  
    as CLOB object into the XML Data file storage table.

---Insert a Empty CLOB record with XML File details
INSERT INTO testxml_data_files
          --Return the LOB locator
          xml_file INTO l_xml_file;
    ---Create a BFILE Pointer for the XML file residing in <UNIX DIR>
     l_src_file := BFILENAME(<UNIX DIR>,<XML FILE>);

    --Open the file
    -- Read the file into the l_xml_file from l_src_file
    DBMS_LOB.LOADFROMFILE (  dest_lob => l_xml_file
                                               , src_lob  => l_src_file
                                                , amount   => DBMS_LOB.LOBMAXSIZE

    DBMS_LOB.CLOSE (l_src_file );

2. Validate the XML Data file:
    The XML Data file is validated against the XSD file using xmltype.schemavalidate
    function. This function by default will use the XSD specified inside the XML for
    validation, but here we have forced it to use the XSD passed. Incase of any
    validation failure of XML against the XSD, it will throw an Exception.

        --Declare following variables
        l_xml_data                  testxml_data_files.xml_file%TYPE;
        l_xml_schema_name   testxml_sources.xml_schema_name%TYPE;
        l_xml_type_0              XMLTYPE;
        l_xml_type                  XMLTYPE;

        --Fetch the Xml file details from the table
        SELECT sdf.xml_file
        INTO     l_xml_data
        FROM   testxml_data_files sdf
                  ,testxml_sources    sxs
        where sxs.source_id       = sdf.source_id
        AND   sxs.xsd_version     = sdf.xsd_version
        and    sxs.source_name     = p_source_name
        and    sdf.file_id         = p_file_id
        AND   SYSDATE             BETWEEN sxs.start_date
                                  AND NVL(sxs.end_date,SYSDATE+1);

    --Cast the CLOB into XML Type data type
    l_xml_type_0  := XMLTYPE.createxml(l_xml_data);
    --Specify the Name of XSD to be used for validation
    l_xml_type    := l_xml_type_0.createschemabasedxml(l_xml_schema_name);

     --Validate the XML Data file

3. Load the XML Data into the staging Table.
    The data contained in the XML File once validated is loaded into the Staging table
    using standard XML Functions. The PLSQL code used here is specific to the
    structure of XML file.
--Declare variables
l_xml_data                     testxml_data_files.xml_file%TYPE;
l_xml_schema_name       testxml_sources.xml_schema_name%TYPE;
l_xml_type                     XMLTYPE;

--Fetch the Data file record in CLOB object
SELECT sdf.xml_file
INTO    l_xml_data
FROM   testxml_data_files sdf
          ,testxml_sources    sxs
WHERE sxs.source_id   = sdf.source_id
AND   sxs.source_name = p_source_name
AND   sdf.file_id     = p_file_id
AND   SYSDATE         BETWEEN sxs.start_date
                       AND     NVL(sxs.end_date,SYSDATE+1);

--Cast CLOB data into an XML type
l_xml_type :=XMLTYPE.CREATEXML(l_xml_data);

    First FOR Loop is opened for the Parameters which are attributes of the File and
    not the actual data of the file. These attributes of the XML File can be used to take
    decisions related to processing of the file.
    E.g. the attribute xsdversion defines the version of XSD to be used for validating
    the XML File

FOR l_invoice_rec IN
( SELECT   EXTRACTVALUE(VALUE(XMLD), '/Invoice /@title')             title
, EXTRACTVALUE(VALUE(XMLD), '/Invoice/@xsdversion')        xsdversion
, EXTRACTVALUE(VALUE(XMLD), '/Invoice/@purpose')           purpose                           , EXTRACTVALUE(VALUE(XMLD), '/Invoice/@create_date')       create_date
, EXTRACTVALUE(VALUE(XMLD), '/Invoice/@create_time')       create_time
, EXTRACTVALUE(VALUE(XMLD), '/Invoice/@receiver_name')   receiver_name
, ROWNUM                                                  rn
TABLE(XMLSEQUENCE(l_xml_type.EXTRACT(‘Invoice '))) XMLD)

--Open loop of processing data for Invoice Header
FOR l_header_rec IN
EXTRACTVALUE(VALUE(XMLD), '/header/transaction_date') transaction_date
, EXTRACTVALUE(VALUE(XMLD), '/header/Invoicenum’)    Invoicenum
, EXTRACTVALUE(VALUE(XMLD), '/header/Customer ')      Customer,
, EXTRACTVALUE(VALUE(XMLD), '/header/Shipto ')          Shipto,
, EXTRACTVALUE(VALUE(XMLD), '/header/TotAmount ')    TotAmount,
, ROWNUM                                                     rn
TABLE(XMLSEQUENCE(l_xml_type.EXTRACT('Invoice/header'))) XMLD)

    --Open the Loop for Invoice Line data
    FOR l_line_rec IN
    ( SELECT 
    EXTRACTVALUE(VALUE(XMLD), '/line /item')        item,
    ,EXTRACTVALUE(VALUE(XMLD), '/line/price')        price,
    ,EXTRACT(VALUE(XMLD),'/transaction/amount')   amount
    ,ROWNUM                                                     rn
    TABLE(XMLSEQUENCE(l_xml_type.EXTRACT(‘Invoice/Header/line’))) XMLD)
          , l_header_rec.transaction_date
          , l_header_rec.Invoicenum

Though in above step the Invoice Header and Line data is loaded into the same table, with use of some PLSQL Code this data can be loaded into two different tables based on Business requirement.

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