Monday, December 19, 2016

Delete Concurrent Program from the Back-End

If you create an Executable without creating a concurrent program, the system will allow to delete the Executable. But once you create the Concurrent Program for that Executable, the system never allows you to delete the program -- it only gives the option to disable the Concurrent Program.

At that point, your only option is to delete the Concurrent Program and its Executable from the back-end. Following is a simple straight-forward query that you can use for deleting a Concurrent Program. This query first checks if the concurrent program and its executable exist in the system. If found, it will delete the program; if not found, it will just display a message.

In this example, 'XX_TEST' is my Concurrent Program's Short Name and 'XX' is the Application Short Name. You will have to use appropriate program name and application short name according to your need.

-- delete concurrent program definition and executable from back-end
-- syntax:
--     delete_program    (program_short_name, application_short_name)
--     delete_executable (program_short_name, application_short_name)
  lv_prog_short_name    VARCHAR2(240);
  lv_appl_short_name    VARCHAR2(240);
   -- set the variables first
   lv_prog_short_name := 'XX_TEST';     -- concurrent program short name
   lv_appl_short_name := 'XX';          -- application short name
   -- see if the program exists. if found, delete the program
   IF fnd_program.program_exists    (lv_prog_short_name, lv_appl_short_name) AND
      fnd_program.executable_exists (lv_prog_short_name, lv_appl_short_name)    
      fnd_program.delete_program(lv_prog_short_name, lv_appl_short_name);
      fnd_program.delete_executable(lv_prog_short_name, lv_appl_short_name);
      DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE (lv_prog_short_name || ' deleted successfully');
   -- if the program does not exist in the system
      DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE (lv_prog_short_name || ' not found');
   END IF;
      DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('Error: ' || SQLERRM);

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