Friday, November 11, 2016

Autolockbox: Standard Oracle Receipt Rejection reasons

AR_PLB_APP_OK - Receipt applications validated
AR_PLB_APP_OVERAPPLIED - ERROR Credit balance not sufficient for applied amount
AR_PLB_AUTOASSOC - Customer identified by invoice numbers
AR_PLB_BAD_CUST_NUM - ERROR Customer number is invalid
AR_PLB_BAD_GL_DATE_SOURCE - ERROR GL date cannot be determined from the source
AR_PLB_BAD_MICR_NUM - ERROR MICR number refers to more than one customer
AR_PLB_BAD_ORIGIN - ERROR Bank origination number not defined for this lockbox
AR_PLB_BATCH_AMT_BAD - ERROR Batch amount does not equal sum of receipt amounts
AR_PLB_BATCH_COUNT_BAD - ERROR Batch record count does not equal number of receipts
AR_PLB_CLASS_BAD - ERROR Receipt may not be applied to this invoice type
AR_PLB_CONTROLS_OK - Unable to continue validating, check transmission errors
AR_PLB_CURRENCY_DISABLED - ERROR Currency is not available for use
AR_PLB_CURRENCY_OK - Currency matches bank account's currency
AR_PLB_CURR_CONFLICT - ERROR Receipt's currency must match invoice's currency
AR_PLB_CUSTOMER_CONFLICT - ERROR MICR and customer number do not refer to the same customer
AR_PLB_CUST_NUM_CONFLICT - ERROR Receipt has more than one customer number
AR_PLB_CUST_OK - Customer identified by customer number
AR_PLB_DEP_DATE_GT_GL_DATE - ERROR Deposit Date cannot be later than GL Date
AR_PLB_DUP_BANK_ACCT_NAME - ERROR MICR number already exists as bank account name
AR_PLB_DUP_BATCH_NAME - Duplicate lockbox batch name
AR_PLB_DUP_INV - ERROR Duplicate invoice number for customer
AR_PLB_DUP_ITEM_NUM - Duplicate Item Number for receipt
AR_PLB_DUP_LB_NUM - Duplicate lockbox number
AR_PLB_DUP_OVRFLW_SEQ - Duplicate overflow sequence for this receipt
AR_PLB_DUP_PMT - ERROR Receipt number already exists for this customer and amount
AR_PLB_GL_DATE_OK - Record validated
AR_PLB_GL_PERIOD_CLOSED - ERROR GL date is not in an open or future period
AR_PLB_INACTIVE_LB_NUM - Lockbox is either not defined or currently has a Inactive status.
AR_PLB_INVALID_BATCH - ERROR Batch has invalid receipts
AR_PLB_INVALID_BATCH_NAME - Batch with this name does not exist in this transmission
AR_PLB_INVALID_CURRENCY - ERROR Currency must match the bank account's currency
AR_PLB_INVALID_INSTALLMENT - ERROR Installment number is invalid
AR_PLB_INVALID_ITEM_NUM - Receipt with this Item Number does not exist.
AR_PLB_INVALID_LB_NUM - Lockbox with this number does not exist in this transmission.
AR_PLB_INVALID_LOCATION - ERROR Receipt has invalid billing location
AR_PLB_INVALID_MATCH - ERROR Invalid matching number
AR_PLB_INVALID_RECEIPT - ERROR Receipt has invalid applications
AR_PLB_INVALID_RECEIPT_METHOD - ERROR Payment method not valid for this bank account
AR_PLB_INVALID_REC_TYPE - Record identifier is not in the requested transmission format.
AR_PLB_INV_BAD - ERROR The invoice does not belong to the paying customer or any related Customers
AR_PLB_INV_OK - Invoice numbers are valid for this customer
AR_PLB_LB_AMT_BAD - ERROR Lockbox amount does not equal sum of receipt amounts
AR_PLB_LB_COUNT_BAD - ERROR Lockbox record count does not equal number of receipts
AR_PLB_MICR_CONFLICT - ERROR Receipt has more than one MICR number
AR_PLB_MICR_OK - Customer identified by MICR number
AR_PLB_NEGATIVE_RECEIPT - Remittance amount may not be less than zero.
AR_PLB_NEW_RECORD - New record
AR_PLB_NOT_DUP_RECEIPT - Receipt is not a duplicate
AR_PLB_NO_BATCH_NAME - Lockbox batch name is missing.
AR_PLB_NO_CUST - Receipt has no customer
AR_PLB_NO_DEPOSIT_DATE - ERROR You have specified your GL Date Source to be the Deposit Date,however no Deposit Date has been provided.
AR_PLB_NO_EXCHANGE_RATE - ERROR Exchange rate is unavailable
AR_PLB_NO_FIRST_OVRFLW - Overflow records for each receipt must begin with the same sequence number.
AR_PLB_NO_INV_NUMBER - ERROR Invoice number is missing for applied amount
AR_PLB_NO_ITEM_NUM - Receipt is missing item number.
AR_PLB_NO_LB_NUM - Lockbox number is missing.
AR_PLB_NO_NEXT_OVRFLW - Overflow record with next sequence is missing.
AR_PLB_NO_ORIGIN - Bank origination number is missing from transmission.
AR_PLB_NO_PRIMARY_LOCATION- ERROR Billing location is required and the customer has not been assigned a Primary Bill-To site
AR_PLB_NO_RECEIPT_NUM - Receipt number is missing.
AR_PLB_NO_REMIT_AMT - Receipt is missing remittance amount.
AR_PLB_NO_REQUESTED_GL_DATE - ERROR GL date must be entered when the GL Date Source has been defined as a Constant AR_PLB_ORIGIN_CONFLICT - Transmission has more than one bank origination number.
AR_PLB_PASSED_TRIM - Fill characters trimmed from data.
AR_PLB_PENDING_AUTO_RECEIPT - ERROR Invoice has been selected for automatic receipt
AR_PLB_PRIMARY_LOCATION - Associated receipt with customer's primary billing location
AR_PLB_RCPT_DATE_GT_GL_DATE - ERROR Receipt Date cannot be later than GL Date
AR_PLB_RECEIPT_METHOD_OK - Payment method is valid
AR_PLB_RECEIPT_OK - Receipt is valid
AR_PLB_REMIT_EXCEEDED - ERROR Sum of the applied amounts is greater than remittance amount
AR_PLB_TRANSFERRED - Receipt transferred
AR_PLB_TRANS_AMT_BAD - ERROR Transmission amount does not equal sum of receipt amounts
AR_PLB_TRANS_COUNT_BAD - ERROR Transmission record count does not equal number of records
AR_PLB_TRANS_HDR_CONFLICT - Transmission has more than one transmission header.
AR_PLB_TRANS_TRL_CONFLICT - Transmission has more than one transmission trailer.
AR_PLB_VALID_LOCATION - Billing location is valid
same customerAR_related Customers
Deposit Date has been provided.sequence number.assigned a Primary Bill-To siteAR_been defined as a Constant Date

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