CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE APPS.ZNINV_ITEM_CONV_PKG_UP AS PROCEDURE ZNinv_item_validate_proc; PROCEDURE ZNinv_item_insert_proc; PROCEDURE ZNINV_ITEM_CONV_MAIN_PROC ( errbuf OUT VARCHAR2, retcode OUT VARCHAR2 ); END ZNINV_ITEM_CONV_PKG_UP; / CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE BODY ZNINV_ITEM_CONV_PKG_UP AS -- Global Variables g_user_id fnd_user.user_id%TYPE ; g_login_id NUMBER(15):=0; g_item_found NUMBER:=0; g_item_processed NUMBER:=0; g_item_rejected NUMBER:=0; /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name : ZNinv_item_validate_proc Description : This is the procedure called by the main procedure to validate the records in the staging tables. Parameters : None Returns : None ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ PROCEDURE ZNinv_item_validate_proc AS /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This cursor will fetch all the records from the staging table ZNinv_mtl_system_items_b_stg ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ CURSOR c_staging_item_create IS -- SELECT ROWID msirowid, xmsi.* -- FROM zninv_mtl_system_items_b_stg xmsi -- WHERE xmsi.process_status IS NULL; SELECT BATCH_NAME ,ITEM_NUMBER ,DESCRIPTION ,TEMPLATE_NAME ,ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY ,ATTRIBUTE1 ,ATTRIBUTE2 ,ATTRIBUTE3 ,ORGANIZATION_CODE ,PRIMARY_UNIT_OF_MEASURE ,ITEM_TYPE ,INVENTORY_ITEM_FLAG ,STOCK_ENABLED_FLAG ,MTL_TRANSACTIONS_ENABLED_FLAG ,SO_TRANSACTIONS_FLAG ,CYCLE_COUNT_ENABLED_FLAG ,COSTING_ENABLED_FLAG ,INVENTORY_ASSET_FLAG ,DEFAULT_INCLUDE_IN_ROLLUP_FLAG ,PURCHASING_ITEM_FLAG ,PURCHASING_ENABLED_FLAG ,SERIAL_NUM_GENERATION ,LIST_PRICE_PER_UNIT ,COST_OF_SALES_ACCOUNT ,ENCUMBRANCE_ACCOUNT ,EXPENSE_ACCOUNT ,SALES_ACCOUNT ,ASSET_CATEGORY_CODE ,RECEIVING_ROUTING ,INVENTORY_PLANNING_CODE ,MIN_MINMAX_QUANTITY ,MAX_MINMAX_QUANTITY ,MINIMUM_ORDER_QUANTITY ,MAXIMUM_ORDER_QUANTITY ,SOURCE_TYPE ,SOURCE_ORGANIZATION ,SOURCE_SUBINVENTORY ,PLANNER_CODE ,CUSTOMER_ORDER_FLAG ,CUSTOMER_ORDER_ENABLED_FLAG ,SHIPPABLE_ITEM_FLAG ,INTERNAL_ORDER_FLAG ,INTERNAL_ORDER_ENABLED_FLAG ,RETURNABLE_FLAG ,INVOICEABLE_ITEM_FLAG ,INVOICE_ENABLED_FLAG ,TAX_CODE ,CATEGORY_SET_NAME ,CATEGORY_NAME ,PROCESS_STATUS ,ERROR_MESSAGE FROM zninv_mtl_system_items_b_stg WHERE PROCESS_STATUS IS NULL; -- FOR UPDATE OF PROCESS_STATUS, ERROR_MESSAGE; -- Local Variables x_process_id NUMBER; x_error_flag VARCHAR2(1):='N'; x_error_message VARCHAR2(4000); x_item_err_details VARCHAR2(4000); x_uom_code NUMBER; x_uom NUMBER; x_weight_uom_code NUMBER; x_item_type fnd_common_lookups.lookup_code%TYPE; x_cat_set_nm mtl_category_sets.category_set_name%TYPE; x_cat_set_id mtl_category_sets.category_set_id%TYPE; x_cat_id NUMBER; x_structure_id NUMBER; x_cat_segment1 VARCHAR2(40); x_organization_code VARCHAR2(3); x_category_name VARCHAR2(400); x_organization_id NUMBER; x_item_count NUMBER; x_cnt_temp_name NUMBER; x_cnt_uom NUMBER; x_cnt_item_type NUMBER; X_ENCUMB_ACC_ID NUMBER; X_EXP_ACC_ID NUMBER; X_SALES_ACC_ID NUMBER; X_COST_OF_SALES_ACC_ID NUMBER; x_debug_point NUMBER; x_cnt_INV_PLAN_CODE NUMBER; X_CNT_ASSET_CAT_CODE NUMBER; x_cnt_tax_code NUMBER; BEGIN --Item Validate Procedure -- Update zninv_mtl_system_items_b_stg Set category_name = Replace(category_name, chr(13), '') -- Where process_status IS NULL; COMMIT; BEGIN SELECT COUNT(1) INTO g_item_found FROM zninv_mtl_system_items_b_stg WHERE process_status IS NULL; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.LOG,'Error: '|| SQLCODE || ' '|| SQLERRM); END; fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.LOG,'Number of Items for Migration ='||g_item_found); g_item_processed :=0; g_item_rejected :=0; FOR i IN c_staging_item_create LOOP x_error_flag:='N'; x_error_message :=NULL; x_item_err_details:=NULL; x_uom_code:=0; x_uom:=0; x_weight_uom_code:=0; x_cat_set_nm:=NULL; x_cat_segment1:=NULL; x_organization_code:=NULL; X_ENCUMB_ACC_ID :=NULL; X_EXP_ACC_ID :=NULL; X_SALES_ACC_ID :=NULL; X_COST_OF_SALES_ACC_ID :=NULL; x_cnt_INV_PLAN_CODE :=NULL; X_CNT_ASSET_CAT_CODE :=0; x_organization_id :=0; x_item_count :=0; x_cnt_temp_name :=0; x_cnt_uom :=0; x_cnt_item_type :=0; x_cnt_tax_code :=0; -- x_category_name:=i.cat_seg1||'.'||i.cat_seg2||i.cat_seg3||i.cat_seg4; x_debug_point:=1; FND_FILE.PUT_LINE(FND_FILE.LOG,'Before Validation starts '|| ' at debug point : ' ||x_debug_point||' '||'x_error_flag -'|| x_error_flag); /*-------------------------Validation starts for Items-------------------------------*/ x_debug_point:= 2; FND_FILE.PUT_LINE(FND_FILE.LOG,'Before organization code Validation starts '|| ' at debug point : ' ||x_debug_point||' '||'x_error_flag -'|| x_error_flag); ---------------------------Validation for organization code and Fetch the value of x_organization_id --------------------------- IF i.ORGANIZATION_CODE IS NOT NULL THEN BEGIN SELECT organization_id INTO x_organization_id FROM ORG_ORGANIZATION_DEFINITIONS WHERE organization_code = i.ORGANIZATION_CODE; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.LOG,'organization_id is not defined for the given organization_code -'||i.ORGANIZATION_CODE); END; ELSE x_error_flag := 'Y'; x_error_message := x_error_message||'There is no ORGANIZATION_CODE'; x_item_err_details := 'Error in batch: ' || i.batch_name || ' - ORGANIZATION_CODE: ' || i.ORGANIZATION_CODE || ' - ' || 'is Null'; fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.LOG, x_item_err_details); END IF ; x_debug_point:= 3; FND_FILE.PUT_LINE(FND_FILE.LOG,'Before Item_number Validation starts '|| ' at debug point : ' ||x_debug_point||' '||'x_error_flag -'|| x_error_flag); ---------------------------Validation for Item_number--------------------------- /**** IF i.item_number IS NULL THEN x_error_flag := 'Y'; x_error_message := x_error_message||'There is no item_number.'; x_item_err_details := 'Error in batch: ' || i.batch_name || ' -item_number: ' || i.item_number || ' - ' || ' is Null'; fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.LOG, x_item_err_details); ELSE SELECT COUNT (1) INTO x_item_count FROM mtl_system_items_b msi WHERE msi.organization_id = x_organization_id AND msi.segment1 = i.item_number; IF x_item_count>0 THEN x_error_flag := 'Y'; x_error_message := x_error_message||'Item_number already exists'; x_item_err_details := 'Error in batch: ' || i.batch_name || ' -Item_number: ' || i.Item_number || ' - ' || 'already exists.'; fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.LOG, x_item_err_details); END IF; END IF ; fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.LOG,'x_error_flag'||x_error_flag); ****/ x_debug_point:= 4; FND_FILE.PUT_LINE(FND_FILE.LOG,'Before Description Validation starts '|| ' at debug point : ' ||x_debug_point||' '||'x_error_flag - '|| x_error_flag); --comment here for items updation ---------------------------Validation for Description--------------------------- IF i.DESCRIPTION IS NULL THEN x_error_flag := 'Y'; x_error_message := x_error_message||'There is no DESCRIPTION.'; x_item_err_details := 'Error in batch: ' || i.batch_name || '- DESCRIPTION: ' || i.DESCRIPTION || ' - ' || ' is Null'; fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.LOG, x_item_err_details); END IF; x_debug_point:= 5; FND_FILE.PUT_LINE(FND_FILE.LOG,'Before ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Validation starts '|| ' at debug point : ' ||x_debug_point||' '||'x_error_flag - '|| x_error_flag); /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------Validation for ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY--------------------------- IF i.ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY IS NULL THEN x_error_flag := 'Y'; x_error_message := x_error_message||'There is no ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY.'; x_item_err_details := 'Error in batch: ' || i.batch_name || '- ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY: ' || i.ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY || ' - ' || ' is Null'; fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.LOG, x_item_err_details); END IF; x_debug_point:= 6; FND_FILE.PUT_LINE(FND_FILE.LOG,'Before ATTRIBUTE1 Validation starts '|| ' at debug point : ' ||x_debug_point||' '||'x_error_flag - '|| x_error_flag); ---------------------------Validation for ATTRIBUTE1--------------------------- IF i.ATTRIBUTE1 IS NULL THEN x_error_flag := 'Y'; x_error_message := x_error_message||'There is no ATTRIBUTE1 Value.'; x_item_err_details := 'Error in batch: ' || i.batch_name || '- ATTRIBUTE1: ' || i.ATTRIBUTE1 || ' - ' || ' is Null'; fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.LOG, x_item_err_details); END IF; x_debug_point:= 7; FND_FILE.PUT_LINE(FND_FILE.LOG,'Before ATTRIBUTE2 Validation starts '|| ' at debug point : ' ||x_debug_point||' '||'x_error_flag - '|| x_error_flag); ---------------------------Validation for ATTRIBUTE2--------------------------- IF i.ATTRIBUTE2 IS NULL THEN x_error_flag := 'Y'; x_error_message := x_error_message||'There is no ATTRIBUTE1 Value.'; x_item_err_details := 'Error in batch: ' || i.batch_name || '- ATTRIBUTE2: ' || i.ATTRIBUTE2 || ' - ' || ' is Null'; fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.LOG, x_item_err_details); END IF; x_debug_point:= 8; FND_FILE.PUT_LINE(FND_FILE.LOG,'Before ATTRIBUTE2 Validation starts '|| ' at debug point : ' ||x_debug_point||' '||'x_error_flag - '|| x_error_flag); ---------------------------Validation for ATTRIBUTE3--------------------------- IF i.ATTRIBUTE3 IS NULL THEN x_error_flag := 'Y'; x_error_message := x_error_message||'There is no ATTRIBUTE1 Value.'; x_item_err_details := 'Error in batch: ' || i.batch_name || '- ATTRIBUTE3: ' || i.ATTRIBUTE3 || ' - ' || ' is Null'; fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.LOG, x_item_err_details); END IF; x_debug_point:= 10; FND_FILE.PUT_LINE(FND_FILE.LOG,'Before Primary Unit of Measure Validation starts '|| ' at debug point : ' ||x_debug_point||' '||'x_error_flag - '|| x_error_flag); ************************************************************************************************************************************************************/ ---------------------------Validation for Primary Unit of Measure--------------------------- /**** IF i.PRIMARY_UNIT_OF_MEASURE IS NULL THEN x_error_flag := 'Y'; x_error_message := x_error_message||'Primary Unit of Measure cannot be NULL.'; x_item_err_details := 'Error in batch: ' || i.batch_name || ' - PRIMARY_UNIT_OF_MEASURE : ' || i.PRIMARY_UNIT_OF_MEASURE || ' - ' || ' is Null'; fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.LOG, x_item_err_details); ELSE SELECT COUNT(1) INTO x_cnt_uom FROM MTL_UNITS_OF_MEASURE WHERE UPPER(UNIT_OF_MEASURE) = UPPER(RTRIM(LTRIM(i.PRIMARY_UNIT_OF_MEASURE))) AND NVL(TRUNC(disable_date),TRUNC(SYSDATE+1))>TRUNC(SYSDATE); IF x_cnt_uom = 0 THEN x_error_flag := 'Y'; x_error_message := x_error_message||'UOM is Invalid'; x_item_err_details := 'Error in batch: ' || i.batch_name || ' -PRIMARY_UNIT_OF_MEASURE: ' || i.PRIMARY_UNIT_OF_MEASURE || ' - ' || 'is Invalid.'; fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.LOG, x_item_err_details); END IF; END IF; fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.LOG,'x_error_flag'||x_error_flag); ****/ x_debug_point:= 11; FND_FILE.PUT_LINE(FND_FILE.LOG,'Before ITEM_TYPE Validation starts '|| ' at debug point : ' ||x_debug_point||' '||'x_error_flag - '|| x_error_flag); ---------------------------Validation for Item Type------------------------------ IF i.ITEM_TYPE IS NOT NULL THEN SELECT COUNT(1) INTO x_cnt_item_type FROM FND_COMMON_LOOKUPS WHERE lookup_type ='ITEM_TYPE' AND enabled_flag = 'Y' AND UPPER(TRIM(MEANING)) = UPPER(TRIM(i.ITEM_TYPE)) AND SYSDATE BETWEEN NVL(START_DATE_ACTIVE, SYSDATE-1) AND NVL(END_DATE_ACTIVE, SYSDATE+1); x_debug_point:= 888; FND_FILE.PUT_LINE(FND_FILE.LOG,'Before Template name Validation starts '|| ' at debug point : ' ||x_debug_point||' '||'x_cnt_item_type - '|| x_cnt_item_type||i.ITEM_TYPE); IF x_cnt_item_type = 0 THEN x_error_flag :='Y'; x_error_message := x_error_message ||'Invalid Item Type Lookup Code'; x_item_err_details := 'Error in batch: ' || i.batch_name || ' - Item Type: ' ||i.ITEM_TYPE || ' - ' || ' No Data Found for Item Type Lookup Code'; fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.LOG, x_item_err_details); END IF; END IF; fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.LOG,'x_error_flag'||x_error_flag); x_debug_point:= 12; FND_FILE.PUT_LINE(FND_FILE.LOG,'Before COST_OF_SALES_ACCOUNT Validation starts '|| ' at debug point : ' ||x_debug_point||' '||'x_error_flag - '|| x_error_flag); ---------------------------Validation for COST_OF_SALES_ACCOUNT------------------------------ IF i.COST_OF_SALES_ACCOUNT IS NOT NULL THEN BEGIN SELECT CODE_COMBINATION_ID INTO X_COST_OF_SALES_ACC_ID FROM gl_code_combinations WHERE SEGMENT1||'.'||SEGMENT2||'.'||SEGMENT3||'.'|| SEGMENT4||'.'||SEGMENT5||'.'||SEGMENT6||'.'||SEGMENT7 = i.COST_OF_SALES_ACCOUNT AND enabled_flag = 'Y' AND summary_flag = 'N' AND TRUNC(SYSDATE) BETWEEN TRUNC(NVL(start_date_active,SYSDATE)) AND TRUNC(NVL(end_date_active,SYSDATE)); EXCEPTION WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN x_error_flag := 'Y'; x_error_message := x_error_message||'Code Combination ID does not exists for the given COST_OF_SALES_ACCOUNT Value.'; x_item_err_details := 'Error in batch: ' || i.batch_name || '- Code Combination ID does not exists for the given Item: ' || i.Item_number; WHEN OTHERS THEN x_error_flag := 'Y'; x_error_message := x_error_message||'Code Combination ID does not exists for the given COST_OF_SALES_ACCOUNT Value.'; x_item_err_details := 'Error in batch: ' || i.batch_name || '- Code Combination ID does not exists for the given Item: ' || i.Item_number; END; -- ELSE --- i.COST_OF_SALES_ACCOUNT IS NULL -- x_error_flag := 'Y'; -- x_error_message := x_error_message||'There is no COST_OF_SALES_ACCOUNT Value.'; -- x_item_err_details := 'Error in batch: ' || i.batch_name || '- COST_OF_SALES_ACCOUNT: ' || i.COST_OF_SALES_ACCOUNT|| ' - ' || ' is Null'; END IF; x_debug_point:= 13; FND_FILE.PUT_LINE(FND_FILE.LOG,'Before LIST_PRICE_PER_UNIT Validation starts '|| ' at debug point : ' ||x_debug_point||' '||'x_error_flag - '|| x_error_flag); ---------------------------Validation for LIST_PRICE_PER_UNIT------------------------------ /****************************************************************************************** IF i.LIST_PRICE_PER_UNIT IS NULL THEN x_error_flag := 'Y'; x_error_message := x_error_message||'There is no LIST_PRICE_PER_UNIT.'; x_item_err_details := 'Error in batch: ' || i.batch_name || ' -LIST_PRICE_PER_UNIT: ' || i.LIST_PRICE_PER_UNIT || ' - ' || ' is Null'; fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.LOG, x_item_err_details); END IF; x_debug_point:= 14; FND_FILE.PUT_LINE(FND_FILE.LOG,'Before ENCUMBRANCE_ACCOUNT Validation starts '|| ' at debug point : ' ||x_debug_point||' '||'x_error_flag - '|| x_error_flag); ******************************************************************************************/ ---------------------------Validation for ENCUMBRANCE_ACCOUNT------------------------------ IF i.ENCUMBRANCE_ACCOUNT IS NOT NULL THEN BEGIN SELECT CODE_COMBINATION_ID INTO X_ENCUMB_ACC_ID FROM gl_code_combinations WHERE SEGMENT1||'.'||SEGMENT2||'.'||SEGMENT3||'.'|| SEGMENT4||'.'||SEGMENT5||'.'||SEGMENT6||'.'||SEGMENT7 = i.ENCUMBRANCE_ACCOUNT AND enabled_flag = 'Y' AND summary_flag = 'N' AND TRUNC(SYSDATE) BETWEEN TRUNC(NVL(start_date_active,SYSDATE)) AND TRUNC(NVL(end_date_active,SYSDATE)); EXCEPTION WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN x_error_flag := 'Y'; x_error_message := x_error_message||'Code Combination ID does not exists for the given ENCUMBRANCE_ACCOUNT Value.'; x_item_err_details := 'Error in batch: ' || i.batch_name || '- Code Combination ID does not exists for the given Item: ' || i.Item_number; WHEN OTHERS THEN x_error_flag := 'Y'; x_error_message := x_error_message||'Code Combination ID does not exists for the given ENCUMBRANCE_ACCOUNT Value.'; x_item_err_details := 'Error in batch: ' || i.batch_name || '- Code Combination ID does not exists for the given Item: ' || i.Item_number; END; -- ELSE --- i.ENCUMBRANCE_ACCOUNT IS NULL -- x_error_flag := 'Y'; -- x_error_message := x_error_message||'There is no ENCUMBRANCE_ACCOUNT Value.'; -- x_item_err_details := 'Error in batch: ' || i.batch_name || '- ENCUMBRANCE_ACCOUNT: ' || i.ENCUMBRANCE_ACCOUNT|| ' - ' || ' is Null'; END IF; x_debug_point:= 15; FND_FILE.PUT_LINE(FND_FILE.LOG,'Before EXPENSE_ACCOUNT Validation starts '|| ' at debug point : ' ||x_debug_point||' '||'x_error_flag - '|| x_error_flag); ---------------------------Validation for EXPENSE_ACCOUNT------------------------------ IF i.EXPENSE_ACCOUNT IS NOT NULL THEN BEGIN SELECT CODE_COMBINATION_ID INTO X_EXP_ACC_ID FROM gl_code_combinations WHERE SEGMENT1||'.'||SEGMENT2||'.'||SEGMENT3||'.'|| SEGMENT4||'.'||SEGMENT5||'.'||SEGMENT6||'.'||SEGMENT7 = i.EXPENSE_ACCOUNT AND enabled_flag = 'Y' AND summary_flag = 'N' AND TRUNC(SYSDATE) BETWEEN TRUNC(NVL(start_date_active,SYSDATE)) AND TRUNC(NVL(end_date_active,SYSDATE)); EXCEPTION WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN x_error_flag := 'Y'; x_error_message := x_error_message||'Code Combination ID does not exists for the given EXPENSE_ACCOUNT Value.'; x_item_err_details := 'Error in batch: ' || i.batch_name || '- Code Combination ID does not exists for the given Item: ' || i.Item_number; WHEN OTHERS THEN x_error_flag := 'Y'; x_error_message := x_error_message||'Code Combination ID does not exists for the given EXPENSE_ACCOUNT Value.'; x_item_err_details := 'Error in batch: ' || i.batch_name || '- Code Combination ID does not exists for the given Item: ' || i.Item_number; END; -- ELSE --- i.EXPENSE_ACCOUNT IS NULL -- x_error_flag := 'Y'; -- x_error_message := x_error_message||'There is no EXPENSE_ACCOUNT Value.'; -- x_item_err_details := 'Error in batch: ' || i.batch_name || '- EXPENSE_ACCOUNT: ' || i.EXPENSE_ACCOUNT|| ' - ' || ' is Null'; END IF; /**** x_debug_point:= 16; FND_FILE.PUT_LINE(FND_FILE.LOG,'Before ASSET_CATEGORY_CODE Validation starts '|| ' at debug point : ' ||x_debug_point||' '||'x_error_flag - '|| x_error_flag); ---------------------------Validation for ASSET_CATEGORY_CODE------------------------------ IF i.ASSET_CATEGORY_CODE IS NOT NULL THEN SELECT COUNT(1) INTO X_CNT_ASSET_CAT_CODE FROM fa_categories_b WHERE UPPER(SEGMENT1)||'.'||UPPER(SEGMENT2)||'.'||UPPER(SEGMENT3)||'.'||UPPER(SEGMENT4) = UPPER(I.ASSET_CATEGORY_CODE) AND enabled_flag = 'Y' AND summary_flag = 'N' AND TRUNC(SYSDATE) BETWEEN TRUNC(NVL(start_date_active,SYSDATE)) AND TRUNC(NVL(end_date_active,SYSDATE)); ****/ /********************************************************************************** IF X_CNT_ASSET_CAT_CODE = 0 THEN x_error_flag := 'Y'; x_error_message := x_error_message||'Category ID does not exists for the given ASSET_CATEGORY_CODE Value.'; x_item_err_details := 'Error in batch: ' || i.batch_name || '- Category ID does not exists for the given ASSET_CATEGORY_CODE: ' || i.ASSET_CATEGORY_CODE; end if; ***********************************************************************************/ /**** END IF; x_debug_point:= 222; FND_FILE.PUT_LINE(FND_FILE.LOG,'Before INVENTORY_PLANNING_CODE Validation starts '|| ' at debug point : ' ||x_debug_point||' '||'x_error_flag - '|| x_error_flag); ---------------------------Validation for INVENTORY_PLANNING_CODE----------------------- -- IF i.INVENTORY_PLANNING_CODE IS NULL THEN -- x_error_flag := 'Y'; -- x_error_message := x_error_message||'There is no INVENTORY_PLANNING_CODE.'; -- x_item_err_details := 'Error in batch: ' || i.batch_name || ' -INVENTORY_PLANNING_CODE: ' || i.INVENTORY_PLANNING_CODE || ' - ' || ' is Null'; -- fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.LOG, x_item_err_details); IF i.INVENTORY_PLANNING_CODE IS NOT NULL THEN SELECT COUNT(1) INTO x_cnt_INV_PLAN_CODE FROM fnd_lookup_values_vl lvl WHERE UPPER(TRIM(lvl.lookup_type)) = UPPER(TRIM('MTL_MATERIAL_PLANNING')) AND UPPER(TRIM(lvl.MEANING)) = UPPER(TRIM(I.INVENTORY_PLANNING_CODE)) AND ENABLED_FLAG='Y' AND SYSDATE BETWEEN NVL(lvl.START_DATE_ACTIVE, SYSDATE-1) AND NVL(lvl.END_DATE_ACTIVE, SYSDATE+1); IF x_cnt_INV_PLAN_CODE = 0 THEN x_error_flag := 'Y'; x_error_message := x_error_message||'Given INVENTORY_PLANNING_CODE is not defined in the lookups.'; x_item_err_details := 'Error in batch: ' || i.batch_name || '- INVENTORY_PLANNING_CODE is not defined in the lookups: ' || i.INVENTORY_PLANNING_CODE; END IF; END IF; x_debug_point:= 17; FND_FILE.PUT_LINE(FND_FILE.LOG,'Before SALES_ACCOUNT Validation starts '|| ' at debug point : ' ||x_debug_point||' '||'x_error_flag - '|| x_error_flag); --------------------------- Validation for PLANNER_CODE ----------------------- IF i.PLANNER_CODE IS NOT NULL THEN SELECT COUNT(1) INTO x_cnt_INV_PLAN_CODE FROM MTL_PLANNERS WHERE PLANNER_CODE = i.PLANNER_CODE AND ORGANIZATION_ID = x_organization_id AND SYSDATE < NVL(DISABLE_DATE, SYSDATE+1); IF x_cnt_INV_PLAN_CODE = 0 THEN x_error_flag := 'Y'; x_error_message := x_error_message||'PLANNER_CODE is not defined for the organization ' || i.PLANNER_CODE ; x_item_err_details := 'Error in batch: ' || i.batch_name || '- PLANNER_CODE is not defined for the organization: ' || i.PLANNER_CODE; END IF; END IF; --------------------------- Validation for TAX_CODE ----------------------- IF i.PLANNER_CODE IS NOT NULL THEN SELECT COUNT(1) INTO x_cnt_tax_code FROM ZX_RATES_B ZRB WHERE ZRB.TAX_JURISDICTION_CODE IN ('DIRECTION GENERALE DE GE') AND ZRB.TAX_RATE_CODE = i.TAX_CODE AND ZRB.ACTIVE_FLAG = 'Y' AND TRUNC(SYSDATE) BETWEEN ZRB.EFFECTIVE_FROM AND NVL(ZRB.EFFECTIVE_TO, TRUNC(SYSDATE)); IF x_cnt_tax_code = 0 THEN x_error_flag := 'Y'; x_error_message := x_error_message||'TAX_CODE is not defined for the organization ' || i.TAX_CODE; x_item_err_details := 'Error in batch: ' || i.batch_name || '- TAX_CODE is not defined for the organization: ' || i.TAX_CODE; END IF; END IF; ****/ ---------------------------Validation for SALES_ACCOUNT------------------------------ IF i.SALES_ACCOUNT IS NOT NULL THEN BEGIN SELECT CODE_COMBINATION_ID INTO X_SALES_ACC_ID FROM gl_code_combinations WHERE SEGMENT1||'.'||SEGMENT2||'.'||SEGMENT3||'.'|| SEGMENT4||'.'||SEGMENT5||'.'||SEGMENT6||'.'||SEGMENT7 = i.SALES_ACCOUNT AND enabled_flag = 'Y' AND summary_flag = 'N' AND TRUNC(SYSDATE) BETWEEN TRUNC(NVL(start_date_active,SYSDATE)) AND TRUNC(NVL(end_date_active,SYSDATE)); EXCEPTION WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN x_error_flag := 'Y'; x_error_message := x_error_message||'Code Combination ID does not exists for the given SALES_ACCOUNT Value.'; x_item_err_details := 'Error in batch: ' || i.batch_name || '- Code Combination ID does not exists for the given Item: ' || i.Item_number; WHEN OTHERS THEN x_error_flag := 'Y'; x_error_message := x_error_message||'Code Combination ID does not exists for the given SALES_ACCOUNT Value.'; x_item_err_details := 'Error in batch: ' || i.batch_name || '- Code Combination ID does not exists for the given Item: ' || i.Item_number; END; END IF; /**** x_debug_point:= 18; FND_FILE.PUT_LINE(FND_FILE.LOG,'Before Category Set Name Validation starts '|| ' at debug point : ' ||x_debug_point||' '||'x_error_flag - '|| x_error_flag); ---------------------------Validation for Category Set Name------------------------------ IF i.CATEGORY_SET_NAME IS NOT NULL THEN BEGIN SELECT category_set_name, category_set_id, structure_id INTO x_cat_set_nm,x_cat_set_id,x_structure_id FROM mtl_category_sets WHERE UPPER(TRIM(category_set_name))= UPPER(TRIM(i.CATEGORY_SET_NAME)); EXCEPTION WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN x_error_flag :='Y'; x_error_message := x_error_message ||'Invalid Category Set Name'; x_item_err_details := 'Error in batch: ' || i.batch_name || ' - Category Set Name: ' ||i.CATEGORY_SET_NAME || ' - ' || ' No Data Found for Category Set Name'; fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.LOG,x_item_err_details); WHEN OTHERS THEN x_error_flag :='Y'; x_error_message := x_error_message || '\' ||SQLCODE || ' '|| SQLERRM; x_item_err_details := 'Error in batch cat set name: ' || i.batch_name || '-' ||SQLCODE || ' '|| SQLERRM; fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.LOG,x_item_err_details); END; END IF; x_debug_point:= 19; FND_FILE.PUT_LINE(FND_FILE.LOG,'Before Category Name Validation starts '|| ' at debug point : ' ||x_debug_point||' '||'x_error_flag - '|| x_error_flag); ****/ ---------------------------Validation for Category Name------------------------------ /*************************************************************************************************************************************** IF i.CATEGORY_NAME IS NULL THEN x_error_flag :='Y'; x_error_message := x_error_message || '-'||'Invalid i.CATEGORY_NAME : ' ||x_category_name; ELSE BEGIN SELECT category_id INTO x_cat_id FROM mtl_categories_b -- WHERE UPPER(segment1)||'.'||UPPER(segment2) ||'.'||UPPER(segment3)||'.'||UPPER(segment4) = UPPER(TRIM(i.category_name)) WHERE UPPER(segment1)||'.'||UPPER(segment2) ||'.'||UPPER(segment3)||'.'||UPPER(segment4) LIKE UPPER(TRIM(i.category_name)) AND structure_id = x_structure_id; EXCEPTION WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN x_debug_point:= 999111; FND_FILE.PUT_LINE(FND_FILE.LOG,'iN eXCEPTION '|| ' at debug point : ' ||x_debug_point||' '||'x_cat_id - '|| x_cat_id||i.category_name); x_error_flag :='Y'; x_error_message := x_error_message ||'Invalid Category Name'; x_item_err_details := 'Error in batch: ' || i.batch_name || ' - Category Name: ' ||i.CATEGORY_NAME || ' No Data Found for Category Name'; fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.log,x_item_err_details); WHEN OTHERS THEN x_error_flag :='Y'; x_error_message := x_error_message || '\' ||SQLCODE || ' '|| SQLERRM; x_item_err_details := 'Error in batch cat name: ' || i.batch_name || '-' ||SQLCODE || ' '|| SQLERRM; fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.log, x_item_err_details); END; END IF; x_debug_point:= 20; FND_FILE.PUT_LINE(FND_FILE.LOG,'End of Item Validations '|| ' at debug point : ' ||x_debug_point||' '||'x_error_flag - '|| x_error_flag); *******************************************************************************************************************************************/ /**** IF i.CATEGORY_NAME IS NOT NULL THEN BEGIN SELECT category_id INTO x_cat_id FROM mtl_categories_kfv WHERE UPPER(concatenated_segments) = UPPER(i.category_name) -- WHERE UPPER(segment1)||'.'||UPPER(segment2) ||'.'||UPPER(segment3)||'.'||UPPER(segment4) LIKE UPPER(TRIM(i.category_name)) AND structure_id = x_structure_id; EXCEPTION WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN x_debug_point:= 999111; FND_FILE.PUT_LINE(FND_FILE.LOG,'iN eXCEPTION '|| ' at debug point : ' ||x_debug_point||' '||'x_cat_id - '|| x_cat_id||i.category_name); x_error_flag :='Y'; x_error_message := x_error_message ||'Invalid Category Name'; x_item_err_details := 'Error in batch: ' || i.batch_name || ' - Category Name: ' ||i.CATEGORY_NAME || ' No Data Found for Category Name'; fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.LOG,x_item_err_details); WHEN OTHERS THEN x_error_flag :='Y'; x_error_message := x_error_message || '\' ||SQLCODE || ' '|| SQLERRM; x_item_err_details := 'Error in batch cat name: ' || i.batch_name || '-' ||SQLCODE || ' '|| SQLERRM; fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.LOG, x_item_err_details); END; END IF; x_debug_point:= 20; FND_FILE.PUT_LINE(FND_FILE.LOG,'End of Item Validations '|| ' at debug point : ' ||x_debug_point||' '||'x_error_flag - '|| x_error_flag); ****/ ---------------------------Validation Ends for Items---------------------------------- -----*** If there is an error in Items then update Items staging tables*****---- fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.LOG,'x_error_flag'||x_error_flag); IF NVL(x_error_flag,'N')='Y' THEN UPDATE zninv_mtl_system_items_b_stg SET PROCESS_STATUS = 'E', ERROR_MESSAGE = SUBSTR(x_item_err_details,1,2000) -- WHERE ROWID = i.msirowid; -- WHERE CURRENT OF c_staging_item_create; WHERE BATCH_NAME = i.BATCH_NAME AND ITEM_NUMBER = i.ITEM_NUMBER; g_item_rejected := g_item_rejected + 1; ELSE -- IF x_error_flag = 'N' UPDATE zninv_mtl_system_items_b_stg SET PROCESS_STATUS ='I' -- WHERE ROWID = i.msirowid; -- WHERE CURRENT OF c_staging_item_create; WHERE BATCH_NAME = i.BATCH_NAME AND ITEM_NUMBER = i.ITEM_NUMBER; g_item_processed := g_item_processed + 1; END IF; x_debug_point:= 21; FND_FILE.PUT_LINE(FND_FILE.LOG,'After updating staging table with Process Flag : '|| ' at debug point : ' ||x_debug_point); COMMIT; x_debug_point:= 22; FND_FILE.PUT_LINE(FND_FILE.LOG,'After commiting : '|| ' at debug point : ' ||x_debug_point); END LOOP; x_debug_point:= 23; FND_FILE.PUT_LINE(FND_FILE.LOG,'After looping though all records : '|| ' at debug point : ' ||x_debug_point); END ZNinv_item_validate_proc; PROCEDURE ZNinv_item_insert_proc AS /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name : ZNinv_item_insert_proc Description : This is the procedure called by the main procedure to insert records into the interface tables after validation. Parameters : None Returns : None ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ g_user_id NUMBER := fnd_global.user_id; g_login_id NUMBER := fnd_global.user_id; --x_item_err_details VARCHAR2(4000); -- CURSOR c_insert_item IS -- SELECT xmsi.ROWID msirowid, xmsi.* -- FROM zninv_mtl_system_items_b_stg xmsi -- WHERE xmsi.PROCESS_STATUS ='I'; CURSOR c_insert_item IS SELECT DISTINCT BATCH_NAME ,ITEM_NUMBER ,DESCRIPTION ,TEMPLATE_NAME ,ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY ,ATTRIBUTE1 ,ATTRIBUTE2 ,ATTRIBUTE3 ,ORGANIZATION_CODE ,PRIMARY_UNIT_OF_MEASURE ,ITEM_TYPE ,INVENTORY_ITEM_FLAG ,STOCK_ENABLED_FLAG ,MTL_TRANSACTIONS_ENABLED_FLAG ,SO_TRANSACTIONS_FLAG ,CYCLE_COUNT_ENABLED_FLAG ,COSTING_ENABLED_FLAG ,INVENTORY_ASSET_FLAG ,DEFAULT_INCLUDE_IN_ROLLUP_FLAG ,PURCHASING_ITEM_FLAG ,PURCHASING_ENABLED_FLAG ,SERIAL_NUM_GENERATION ,LIST_PRICE_PER_UNIT ,COST_OF_SALES_ACCOUNT ,ENCUMBRANCE_ACCOUNT ,EXPENSE_ACCOUNT ,SALES_ACCOUNT ,ASSET_CATEGORY_CODE ,RECEIVING_ROUTING ,INVENTORY_PLANNING_CODE ,MIN_MINMAX_QUANTITY ,MAX_MINMAX_QUANTITY ,MINIMUM_ORDER_QUANTITY ,MAXIMUM_ORDER_QUANTITY ,SOURCE_TYPE ,SOURCE_ORGANIZATION ,SOURCE_SUBINVENTORY ,PLANNER_CODE ,CUSTOMER_ORDER_FLAG ,CUSTOMER_ORDER_ENABLED_FLAG ,SHIPPABLE_ITEM_FLAG ,INTERNAL_ORDER_FLAG ,INTERNAL_ORDER_ENABLED_FLAG ,RETURNABLE_FLAG ,INVOICEABLE_ITEM_FLAG ,INVOICE_ENABLED_FLAG ,TAX_CODE ,PROCESS_STATUS FROM zninv_mtl_system_items_b_stg WHERE NVL(PROCESS_STATUS,'X') ='I'; -- FOR UPDATE OF PROCESS_STATUS; CURSOR c_insert_item_catg (P_BATCH_NAME VARCHAR2, P_ITEM_NUMBER VARCHAR2) IS SELECT BATCH_NAME ,ITEM_NUMBER ,ORGANIZATION_CODE ,CATEGORY_SET_NAME ,CATEGORY_NAME FROM zninv_mtl_system_items_b_stg WHERE BATCH_NAME = P_BATCH_NAME AND ITEM_NUMBER = P_ITEM_NUMBER AND CATEGORY_SET_NAME IS NOT NULL AND CATEGORY_NAME IS NOT NULL; CURSOR c1 (p_item_number VARCHAR2) IS SELECT DISTINCT organization_id FROM mtl_system_items_b WHERE segment1 = p_item_number; x_organization_code VARCHAR2(100); ------------------------------ Local Variables -------------------------------------- x_ins_item_error VARCHAR2(4000); x_organization_id NUMBER; X_pri_uom_code VARCHAR2(4000); X_TEMPLATE_ID VARCHAR2(4000); X_COST_OF_SALES_ACC_ID NUMBER; X_ENCUMB_ACC_ID NUMBER; X_EXP_ACC_ID NUMBER; X_SALES_ACC_ID NUMBER; x_cat_set_id NUMBER; x_structure_id NUMBER; x_cat_id NUMBER; x_debug_point NUMBER; x_inv_plan_code NUMBER; X_ASSET_CATEGORY_ID NUMBER; x_item_type_code FND_COMMON_LOOKUPS.LOOKUP_CODE%TYPE; x_srl_num_control_code MTL_SYSTEM_ITEMS_B.SERIAL_NUMBER_CONTROL_CODE%TYPE; x_receiving_routing_id MTL_SYSTEM_ITEMS_B.RECEIVING_ROUTING_ID%TYPE; x_source_type MTL_SYSTEM_ITEMS_B.SOURCE_TYPE%TYPE; x_src_organization_id NUMBER; BEGIN FOR i IN c_insert_item LOOP x_ins_item_error := NULL; x_organization_id := 0; X_pri_uom_code := NULL; x_template_id := NULL; X_COST_OF_SALES_ACC_ID := NULL; X_ENCUMB_ACC_ID := NULL; X_EXP_ACC_ID := NULL; X_SALES_ACC_ID := NULL; x_inv_plan_code := NULL; X_ASSET_CATEGORY_ID := NULL; x_item_type_code := NULL; x_srl_num_control_code := NULL; x_receiving_routing_id := NULL; x_source_type := NULL; x_src_organization_id := NULL; x_debug_point:= 31; FND_FILE.PUT_LINE(FND_FILE.LOG,'Loop Begins '|| ' at debug point : ' ||x_debug_point); --------------------------- Fetch the value of organization_id--------------------------- BEGIN SELECT organization_id INTO x_organization_id FROM ORG_ORGANIZATION_DEFINITIONS WHERE organization_code = i.ORGANIZATION_CODE; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.LOG,'organization_id is not defined for the given organization_code -'||i.ORGANIZATION_CODE); END; x_debug_point:= 32; FND_FILE.PUT_LINE(FND_FILE.LOG,'After Ftech the value of x_organization_id '|| ' at debug point : ' ||x_debug_point||'-'|| x_organization_id); --------------------------- Fetch the value of primary_uom_code--------------------------- /**** BEGIN SELECT UOM_CODE INTO X_pri_uom_code FROM MTL_UNITS_OF_MEASURE WHERE UPPER(UNIT_OF_MEASURE) = UPPER(RTRIM(LTRIM(i.PRIMARY_UNIT_OF_MEASURE))) AND NVL(TRUNC(disable_date),TRUNC(SYSDATE+1))>TRUNC(SYSDATE); EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.LOG,'primary_uom_code is not defined for the given PRIMARY_UNIT_OF_MEASURE -'||i.PRIMARY_UNIT_OF_MEASURE); END; x_debug_point:= 33; FND_FILE.PUT_LINE(FND_FILE.LOG,'After Ftech the value of X_pri_uom_code '|| ' at debug point : ' ||x_debug_point||'-'|| X_pri_uom_code); --------------------------- Fetch the value of x_template_id--------------------------- IF i.template_name IS NOT NULL THEN BEGIN SELECT TEMPLATE_ID INTO x_template_id FROM mtl_item_templates WHERE UPPER(TRIM(template_name)) = UPPER(TRIM(i.template_name)); EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.LOG,'There is no TEMPLATE_ID for the given template_name -'||i.template_name); END; END IF; ****/ x_debug_point:= 34; FND_FILE.PUT_LINE(FND_FILE.LOG,'After Ftech the value of x_template_id '|| ' at debug point : ' ||x_debug_point||'-'||x_template_id); ----------------------------- Fetch the value of X_COST_OF_SALES_ACC_ID--------------------------- IF i.COST_OF_SALES_ACCOUNT IS NOT NULL THEN BEGIN SELECT CODE_COMBINATION_ID INTO X_COST_OF_SALES_ACC_ID FROM gl_code_combinations WHERE SEGMENT1||'.'||SEGMENT2||'.'||SEGMENT3||'.'|| SEGMENT4||'.'||SEGMENT5||'.'||SEGMENT6||'.'||SEGMENT7 = i.COST_OF_SALES_ACCOUNT AND enabled_flag = 'Y' AND summary_flag = 'N' AND TRUNC(SYSDATE) BETWEEN TRUNC(NVL(start_date_active,SYSDATE)) AND TRUNC(NVL(end_date_active,SYSDATE)); EXCEPTION WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.LOG,'Code combination ID does not exists for the given COST_OF_SALES_ACCOUNT -'||i.COST_OF_SALES_ACCOUNT); WHEN OTHERS THEN fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.LOG,'Code combination ID does not exists for the given COST_OF_SALES_ACCOUNT -'||i.COST_OF_SALES_ACCOUNT); END; END IF; x_debug_point:= 35; FND_FILE.PUT_LINE(FND_FILE.LOG,'After Ftech the value of X_COST_OF_SALES_ACC_ID '|| ' at debug point : ' ||x_debug_point||'-'||X_COST_OF_SALES_ACC_ID); --------------------------- Fetch the value of X_ENCUMB_ACC_ID--------------------------- IF i.ENCUMBRANCE_ACCOUNT IS NOT NULL THEN BEGIN SELECT CODE_COMBINATION_ID INTO X_ENCUMB_ACC_ID FROM gl_code_combinations WHERE SEGMENT1||'.'||SEGMENT2||'.'||SEGMENT3||'.'|| SEGMENT4||'.'||SEGMENT5||'.'||SEGMENT6||'.'||SEGMENT7 = i.ENCUMBRANCE_ACCOUNT AND enabled_flag = 'Y' AND summary_flag = 'N' AND TRUNC(SYSDATE) BETWEEN TRUNC(NVL(start_date_active,SYSDATE)) AND TRUNC(NVL(end_date_active,SYSDATE)); EXCEPTION WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.LOG,'Code combination ID does not exists for the given ENCUMBRANCE_ACCOUNT -'||i.ENCUMBRANCE_ACCOUNT); WHEN OTHERS THEN fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.LOG,'Code combination ID does not exists for the given ENCUMBRANCE_ACCOUNT -'||i.ENCUMBRANCE_ACCOUNT); END; END IF; x_debug_point:= 36; FND_FILE.PUT_LINE(FND_FILE.LOG,'After Ftech the value of X_ENCUMB_ACC_ID '|| ' at debug point : ' ||x_debug_point||'-'||X_ENCUMB_ACC_ID); --------------------------- Fetch the value of X_EXP_ACC_ID--------------------------- IF i.EXPENSE_ACCOUNT IS NOT NULL THEN BEGIN SELECT CODE_COMBINATION_ID INTO X_EXP_ACC_ID FROM gl_code_combinations WHERE SEGMENT1||'.'||SEGMENT2||'.'||SEGMENT3||'.'|| SEGMENT4||'.'||SEGMENT5||'.'||SEGMENT6||'.'||SEGMENT7 = i.EXPENSE_ACCOUNT AND enabled_flag = 'Y' AND summary_flag = 'N' AND TRUNC(SYSDATE) BETWEEN TRUNC(NVL(start_date_active,SYSDATE)) AND TRUNC(NVL(end_date_active,SYSDATE)); EXCEPTION WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.LOG,'Code combination ID does not exists for the given EXPENSE_ACCOUNT -'||i.EXPENSE_ACCOUNT); WHEN OTHERS THEN fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.LOG,'Code combination ID does not exists for the given EXPENSE_ACCOUNT -'||i.EXPENSE_ACCOUNT); END; END IF; x_debug_point:= 37; FND_FILE.PUT_LINE(FND_FILE.LOG,'After Ftech the value of X_EXP_ACC_ID '|| ' at debug point : ' ||x_debug_point||'-'||X_EXP_ACC_ID); --------------------------- Fetch the value of ASSET_CATEGORY_ID--------------------------- /**** IF i.ASSET_CATEGORY_CODE IS NOT NULL THEN BEGIN SELECT CATEGORY_ID INTO X_ASSET_CATEGORY_ID FROM fa_categories_b WHERE UPPER(SEGMENT1)||'.'||UPPER(SEGMENT2)||'.'||UPPER(SEGMENT3)||'.'||UPPER(SEGMENT4) = UPPER(I.ASSET_CATEGORY_CODE) AND enabled_flag = 'Y' AND summary_flag = 'N' AND TRUNC(SYSDATE) BETWEEN TRUNC(NVL(start_date_active,SYSDATE)) AND TRUNC(NVL(end_date_active,SYSDATE)); EXCEPTION WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.LOG,'CATEGORY_ID does not exists for the given ASSET_CATEGORY_CODE -'||i.ASSET_CATEGORY_CODE); WHEN OTHERS THEN fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.LOG,'CATEGORY_IDdoes not exists for the given ASSET_CATEGORY_CODE -'||i.ASSET_CATEGORY_CODE); END; ELSE X_ASSET_CATEGORY_ID := NULL; END IF; --------------------------- Fetch the value of INVENTORY_PLANNING_CODE--------------------------- IF I.INVENTORY_PLANNING_CODE IS NOT NULL THEN BEGIN SELECT lookup_code INTO x_inv_plan_code FROM fnd_lookup_values_vl lvl WHERE UPPER(TRIM(lvl.lookup_type)) = UPPER(TRIM('MTL_MATERIAL_PLANNING')) AND UPPER(TRIM(lvl.MEANING)) = UPPER(TRIM(I.INVENTORY_PLANNING_CODE)) AND ENABLED_FLAG='Y' AND SYSDATE BETWEEN NVL(lvl.START_DATE_ACTIVE, SYSDATE-1) AND NVL(lvl.END_DATE_ACTIVE, SYSDATE+1); EXCEPTION WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.LOG,'INVENTORY_PLAN_CODE does not exists for the given INVENTORY_PLANNING_CODE -'||i.INVENTORY_PLANNING_CODE); WHEN OTHERS THEN fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.LOG,'INVENTORY_PLAN_CODE does not exists for the given INVENTORY_PLANNING_CODE -'||i.INVENTORY_PLANNING_CODE); END; END IF; ****/ --------------------------- Fetch the value of X_SALES_ACC_ID--------------------------- IF i.SALES_ACCOUNT IS NOT NULL THEN BEGIN SELECT CODE_COMBINATION_ID INTO X_SALES_ACC_ID FROM gl_code_combinations WHERE SEGMENT1||'.'||SEGMENT2||'.'||SEGMENT3||'.'|| SEGMENT4||'.'||SEGMENT5||'.'||SEGMENT6||'.'||SEGMENT7 = i.SALES_ACCOUNT AND enabled_flag = 'Y' AND summary_flag = 'N' AND TRUNC(SYSDATE) BETWEEN TRUNC(NVL(start_date_active,SYSDATE)) AND TRUNC(NVL(end_date_active,SYSDATE)); EXCEPTION WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.LOG,'Code combination ID does not exists for the given SALES_ACCOUNT -'||i.SALES_ACCOUNT); WHEN OTHERS THEN fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.LOG,'Code combination ID does not exists for the given SALES_ACCOUNT -'||i.SALES_ACCOUNT); END; ELSE X_SALES_ACC_ID := NULL; END IF; --------------------------- Fetch the value of x_item_type_code --------------------------- IF i.ITEM_TYPE IS NOT NULL THEN BEGIN SELECT lookup_code INTO x_item_type_code FROM FND_COMMON_LOOKUPS WHERE lookup_type ='ITEM_TYPE' AND enabled_flag = 'Y' AND UPPER(TRIM(MEANING)) = UPPER(TRIM(i.ITEM_TYPE)) AND SYSDATE BETWEEN NVL(START_DATE_ACTIVE, SYSDATE-1) AND NVL(END_DATE_ACTIVE, SYSDATE+1); EXCEPTION WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.LOG,'Item Type does not exists -'||i.ITEM_TYPE); WHEN OTHERS THEN fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.LOG,'Invalid Item Type -'||i.ITEM_TYPE); END; END IF; --------------------------- Fetch the value of X_srl_num_control_code --------------------------- /**** IF i.SERIAL_NUM_GENERATION IS NOT NULL THEN BEGIN SELECT TO_NUMBER(LOOKUP_CODE) INTO x_srl_num_control_code FROM FND_LOOKUP_VALUES_VL WHERE LOOKUP_TYPE = 'MTL_SERIAL_NUMBER' AND ENABLED_FLAG = 'Y' AND UPPER(TRIM(MEANING)) = UPPER(TRIM(i.SERIAL_NUM_GENERATION)) AND SYSDATE BETWEEN NVL(START_DATE_ACTIVE, SYSDATE-1) AND NVL(END_DATE_ACTIVE, SYSDATE+1); EXCEPTION WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.LOG,'Item Serial Number Generation code does not exists -'||i.SERIAL_NUM_GENERATION); WHEN OTHERS THEN fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.LOG,'Invalid Item Serial Number Generation code -'||i.SERIAL_NUM_GENERATION); END; END IF; --------------------------- Fetch the value of x_receiving_routing_id --------------------------- IF i.RECEIVING_ROUTING IS NOT NULL THEN BEGIN SELECT TO_NUMBER(LOOKUP_CODE) INTO x_receiving_routing_id FROM FND_LOOKUP_VALUES_VL WHERE LOOKUP_TYPE = 'RCV_ROUTING_HEADERS' AND ENABLED_FLAG = 'Y' AND UPPER(TRIM(MEANING)) = UPPER(TRIM(i.RECEIVING_ROUTING)) AND SYSDATE BETWEEN NVL(START_DATE_ACTIVE, SYSDATE-1) AND NVL(END_DATE_ACTIVE, SYSDATE+1); EXCEPTION WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.LOG,'Receipt Routing code does not exists -'||i.RECEIVING_ROUTING); WHEN OTHERS THEN fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.LOG,'Invalid Receipt Routing code -'||i.RECEIVING_ROUTING); END; END IF; --------------------------- Fetch the value of x_source_type --------------------------- IF i.SOURCE_TYPE IS NOT NULL THEN BEGIN SELECT TO_NUMBER(LOOKUP_CODE) INTO x_source_type FROM FND_LOOKUP_VALUES_VL WHERE LOOKUP_TYPE = 'MTL_SOURCE_TYPES' AND ENABLED_FLAG = 'Y' AND UPPER(TRIM(MEANING)) = UPPER(TRIM(i.SOURCE_TYPE)) AND SYSDATE BETWEEN NVL(START_DATE_ACTIVE, SYSDATE-1) AND NVL(END_DATE_ACTIVE, SYSDATE+1); EXCEPTION WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.LOG,'Source Type does not exists -'||i.SOURCE_TYPE); WHEN OTHERS THEN fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.LOG,'Invalid Source Type -'||i.SOURCE_TYPE); END; END IF; x_debug_point:= 444; FND_FILE.PUT_LINE(FND_FILE.LOG,'Before Inserting the records into mtl_system_items_interface '|| ' at debug point : ' ||x_debug_point); --------------------------- Fetch the value of x_src_organization_id --------------------------- BEGIN SELECT organization_id INTO x_src_organization_id FROM ORG_ORGANIZATION_DEFINITIONS WHERE organization_code = i.SOURCE_ORGANIZATION; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.LOG,'organization_id is not defined for the given organization_code -'||i.ORGANIZATION_CODE); END; ****/ -------------------------Inserting into mtl_system_items_interface table-------------------- FOR v1 IN c1(i.item_number) LOOP SELECT organization_code INTO x_organization_code FROM ORG_ORGANIZATION_DEFINITIONS WHERE organization_id = v1.ORGANIZATION_ID; INSERT INTO mtl_system_items_interface (organization_id, organization_code, last_update_date, last_updated_by, creation_date, created_by, last_update_login, description, segment1, ---- primary_uom_code, ---- primary_unit_of_measure, ---- item_number, item_type, -- TEMPLATE_NAME, /**** TEMPLATE_ID, ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY, ATTRIBUTE1, ATTRIBUTE2, ATTRIBUTE3,****/ COST_OF_SALES_ACCOUNT, ---- LIST_PRICE_PER_UNIT, ENCUMBRANCE_ACCOUNT, EXPENSE_ACCOUNT, /**** ASSET_CATEGORY_ID, INVENTORY_PLANNING_CODE, MIN_MINMAX_QUANTITY, MAX_MINMAX_QUANTITY, MINIMUM_ORDER_QUANTITY, MAXIMUM_ORDER_QUANTITY, SOURCE_TYPE, SOURCE_ORGANIZATION_ID, SOURCE_SUBINVENTORY, PLANNER_CODE, TAX_CODE, PURCHASING_TAX_CODE, ----Added by Hassan to populate Input Tax code in Item Master Screen ****/ SALES_ACCOUNT, /**** SERIAL_NUMBER_CONTROL_CODE, RECEIVING_ROUTING_ID, INVENTORY_ITEM_FLAG, STOCK_ENABLED_FLAG, MTL_TRANSACTIONS_ENABLED_FLAG, SO_TRANSACTIONS_FLAG, CYCLE_COUNT_ENABLED_FLAG, COSTING_ENABLED_FLAG, INVENTORY_ASSET_FLAG, DEFAULT_INCLUDE_IN_ROLLUP_FLAG, PURCHASING_ITEM_FLAG, PURCHASING_ENABLED_FLAG, CUSTOMER_ORDER_FLAG, CUSTOMER_ORDER_ENABLED_FLAG, SHIPPABLE_ITEM_FLAG, INTERNAL_ORDER_FLAG, INTERNAL_ORDER_ENABLED_FLAG, RETURNABLE_FLAG, INVOICEABLE_ITEM_FLAG, INVOICE_ENABLED_FLAG, ****/ set_process_id, process_flag, transaction_type ) VALUES(v1.organization_id,--x_organization_id, x_organization_code, --i.organization_code, SYSDATE, g_user_id, SYSDATE, g_user_id, g_login_id, i.description, i.ITEM_NUMBER, ---- X_pri_uom_code, ---- I.primary_unit_of_measure, ---- I.ITEM_NUMBER, -- i.item_type, x_item_type_code, -- I.TEMPLATE_NAME, /**** x_template_id, I.ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY, I.ATTRIBUTE1, I.ATTRIBUTE2, I.ATTRIBUTE3,****/ X_COST_OF_SALES_ACC_ID, ---- ROUND(I.LIST_PRICE_PER_UNIT,2), X_ENCUMB_ACC_ID, X_EXP_ACC_ID, /**** X_ASSET_CATEGORY_ID, x_inv_plan_code, I.MIN_MINMAX_QUANTITY, I.MAX_MINMAX_QUANTITY, I.MINIMUM_ORDER_QUANTITY, I.MAXIMUM_ORDER_QUANTITY, -- I.SOURCE_TYPE, x_source_type, -- I.SOURCE_ORGANIZATION_ID, x_src_organization_id, I.SOURCE_SUBINVENTORY, I.PLANNER_CODE, I.TAX_CODE, I.TAX_CODE,****/ X_SALES_ACC_ID, /**** x_srl_num_control_code, x_receiving_routing_id, I.INVENTORY_ITEM_FLAG, I.STOCK_ENABLED_FLAG, I.MTL_TRANSACTIONS_ENABLED_FLAG, I.SO_TRANSACTIONS_FLAG, I.CYCLE_COUNT_ENABLED_FLAG, I.COSTING_ENABLED_FLAG, I.INVENTORY_ASSET_FLAG, I.DEFAULT_INCLUDE_IN_ROLLUP_FLAG, I.PURCHASING_ITEM_FLAG, I.PURCHASING_ENABLED_FLAG, I.CUSTOMER_ORDER_FLAG, I.CUSTOMER_ORDER_ENABLED_FLAG, I.SHIPPABLE_ITEM_FLAG, I.INTERNAL_ORDER_FLAG, I.INTERNAL_ORDER_ENABLED_FLAG, I.RETURNABLE_FLAG, I.INVOICEABLE_ITEM_FLAG, I.INVOICE_ENABLED_FLAG,****/ 1, 1, 'UPDATE'); ---- 'CREATE'); END LOOP; x_debug_point:= 666; FND_FILE.PUT_LINE(FND_FILE.LOG, 'After Inserting the records into mtl_system_items_interface '|| ' at debug point : ' ||x_debug_point); /**** FOR ic IN c_insert_item_catg (I.BATCH_NAME, I.ITEM_NUMBER) LOOP x_cat_set_id := NULL; x_structure_id := NULL; x_cat_id := NULL; --------------------------- Fetch the value of x_cat_set_id--------------------------- BEGIN SELECT category_set_id,structure_id INTO x_cat_set_id, x_structure_id FROM mtl_category_sets WHERE category_set_name = ic.CATEGORY_SET_NAME; EXCEPTION WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.LOG,'category_set_id does not exists for the given CATEGORY_SET_NAME -'||ic.CATEGORY_SET_NAME); WHEN OTHERS THEN fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.LOG,'category_set_id does not exists for the given CATEGORY_SET_NAME -'||ic.CATEGORY_SET_NAME); END; --------------------------- Fetch the value of x_cat_id--------------------------- BEGIN ****/ /*********************************************************************************************************************************************** SELECT category_id INTO x_cat_id FROM mtl_categories_b WHERE UPPER(segment1)||'.'||UPPER(segment2) ||'.'||UPPER(segment3)||'.'||UPPER(segment4) = UPPER(TRIM(ic.category_name)) AND structure_id = x_structure_id; ***********************************************************************************************************************************************/ /**** SELECT category_id INTO x_cat_id FROM mtl_categories_kfv WHERE UPPER(concatenated_segments) = UPPER(ic.category_name) -- WHERE UPPER(segment1)||'.'||UPPER(segment2) ||'.'||UPPER(segment3)||'.'||UPPER(segment4) LIKE UPPER(TRIM(i.category_name)) AND structure_id = x_structure_id; EXCEPTION WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.LOG,'category_id does not exists for the given CATEGORY_SET_NAME -'||ic.CATEGORY_SET_NAME); WHEN OTHERS THEN fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.LOG,'category_id does not exists for the given CATEGORY_SET_NAME -'||ic.CATEGORY_SET_NAME); END; -------------------------Inserting into mtl_item_categories_interface table-------------------- INSERT INTO mtl_item_categories_interface (inventory_item_id, category_set_id, category_id, last_update_date, last_updated_by, creation_date, created_by, last_update_login, -- request_id, -- program_application_id, -- program_id, -- program_update_date, organization_id, transaction_id, -- category_set_name, -- category_name, organization_code, item_number, transaction_type, process_flag, set_process_id ) VALUES (NULL, x_cat_set_id, x_cat_id, SYSDATE, g_user_id, SYSDATE, g_user_id, g_login_id, -- NULL, -- NULL, -- NULL, -- NULL, x_organization_id, NULL, -- i.category_set_name, -- i.category_name, i.organization_code, i.item_number, 'CREATE', 1, 1); x_debug_point:= 777; FND_FILE.PUT_LINE(FND_FILE.LOG,'After Inserting the records into mtl_item_categories_interface '|| ' at debug point : ' ||x_debug_point); END LOOP; -- End of Item Category Loop ****/ UPDATE ZNinv_mtl_system_items_b_stg SET PROCESS_STATUS ='C' -- WHERE ROWID = i.msirowid; -- WHERE CURRENT OF c_insert_item; WHERE ITEM_NUMBER = I.ITEM_NUMBER AND BATCH_NAME = I.BATCH_NAME; COMMIT; END LOOP; -- End of Item Loop END ZNinv_item_insert_proc; ----------------------------------Main Procedure---------------------------------- PROCEDURE ZNINV_ITEM_CONV_MAIN_PROC ( errbuf OUT VARCHAR2, retcode OUT VARCHAR2 ) AS BEGIN -- Call the validate procedure ZNinv_item_validate_proc; -- Call the Insert Procedure ZNinv_item_insert_proc; fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.OUTPUT,'Number of Records found for items : '||g_item_found); fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.OUTPUT,'Number of Records processed for items : '||g_item_processed); fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.OUTPUT,'Number of Records rejected for items : '||g_item_rejected); END ZNINV_ITEM_CONV_MAIN_PROC; END ZNINV_ITEM_CONV_PKG_UP; /
Sunday, April 24, 2016
Item Conversion Update
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